SONG 134

Children Are a Trust From God

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Children Are a Trust From God

(Psalm 127:3-5)

  1. 1. When a man becomes a father

    And a woman has a child of her own,

    They share a trust, they must remember,

    That is not theirs, not theirs alone.

    The gift they share is from Jehovah;

    Of life and love he is the one true Source.

    To parents he gives sure direction

    That they may follow the wisest course.


    A sacred trust you have been given;

    A precious life is in your hands.

    You can bestow the greatest favor;

    Instruct your child in God’s commands.

  2. 2. All the words God has commanded—

    They must always prove to be on your heart.

    These words you’ll speak to sons and daughters;

    This is your trust, this is your part.

    To them you’ll speak along your roadway,

    When you rise up and when you are at rest.

    In years to come, may they remember,

    May they be faithful, may they be blessed.


    A sacred trust you have been given;

    A precious life is in your hands.

    You can bestow the greatest favor;

    Instruct your child in God’s commands.


 IHUAN 134

Ẹse Nọ Ke Obọ Osanobua Rre Ẹre Emọ Khin

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Ẹse Nọ Ke Obọ Osanobua Rre Ẹre Emọ Khin

(Psalm 127:3-5)

  1. 1. Afiangbe nọ k’ob’Osa rre

    Ẹre ’mọ gele khin ne ’vbibi’ ’ran.

    Arevbukhu nọ hiunsi na khin.

    Emwi nọ ghaan ẹre wa nọ.

    E Jehova keghi kpemehe

    Ne ’vbibiemọ; ọ hoo n’iran musọe.

    T’ọ wa khẹke n’iran y’ekhọe hia

    Lel’ibude n’irẹn rhie n’iran.


    Ẹse nọkhua nọ k’ob’Osa rre

    Ẹre ’mọ khin ne ’vbibi’ ’ran.

    T’ọ wa khẹke n’iran rhi’ ’giemwi

    Nọ ghi maan sẹ yotọ n’iran.

  2. 2. Kọe ye ’khọe ẹmwẹ ọgh’Osa,

    U vbe gha ruerria yan rẹn vb’ẹghẹ hia.

    Gha t’ẹmwẹ na maivbuẹ vb’ẹghẹ hia.

    Ọna keghi ruekpataki.

    Gha guiran guan vb’u gha khian vb’odẹ,

    Vb’u gha rhiọrre kevb’u gha vbe lovbiẹ.

    U miọn yẹnmwẹ nọ khian gha sẹ ruẹ

    Degh’ivbuẹ na dobọ muẹmwata!


    Ẹse nọkhua nọ k’ob’Osa rre

    Ẹre ’mọ khin ne ’vbibi’ ’ran.

    T’ọ wa khẹke n’iran rhi’ ’giemwi

    Nọ ghi maan sẹ yotọ n’iran.

(Vbe ya ghee Diut 6:6, 7; Ẹfis 6:4; 1 Tim 4:16.)