SONG 131

“What God Has Yoked Together”

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“What God Has Yoked Together”

(Matthew 19:5, 6)

  1. 1. With dignity and joy,

    A threefold cord is bound.

    With God and men to witness,

    These sacred vows resound.

    (CHORUS 1)

    He vowed before Jehovah

    To love her from the heart.

    “What God has yoked together,

    Let no man put apart.”

  2. 2. They both have searched God’s Word

    To learn to do his will,

    And now they seek his blessing,

    Their promise to fulfill.

    (CHORUS 2)

    She vowed before Jehovah

    To love him from the heart.

    “What God has yoked together,

    Let no man put apart.”


 IHUAN 131

‘Osa Gha Ku Emwi Gbe Nẹ, Ọ Ma Ke Na Wannọẹn’

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
‘Osa Gha Ku Emwi Gbe Nẹ, Ọ Ma Ke Na Wannọẹn’

(Matiu 19:5, 6)

  1. 1. Iran wa y’ekhọe hia

    Rueyan ne kpataki

    Vb’odaro ’sanobua mwa.

    Ma wa ghọghọ n’iran.

    (KORRỌS 1)

    Nokpia w’ọgh’irẹn na khin,

    Ọ w’irẹn hoẹmw’ọnrẹn.

    ‘Osa gha kuemwi gbe nẹ,

    Ọ ma ke na wannọẹn.’

  2. 2. Iran gha y’ẹkoata

    Lel’adia ọgh’Osa,

    Iran gha mi’adogbannọ

    Vb’orọnmwẹ ọgh’iran.

    (KORRỌS 2)

    Nokhuo w’ọgh’irẹn na khin,

    Ọ w’irẹn hoẹmw’ọnrẹn.

    ‘Osa gha kuemwi gbe nẹ,

    Ọ ma ke na wannọẹn.’

(Vbe ya ghee Gẹn 2:24; Asan 4:12; Ẹfis 5:22-33.)