SONG 130

Be Forgiving

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Be Forgiving

(Psalm 86:5)

  1. 1. Lovingly Jehovah

    Made provision through his Son

    For our sins to be forgiven

    And for death to be undone.

    If we truly are repentant,

    His forgiveness we can claim

    On the basis of Christ’s ransom,

    Asking pardon in his name.

  2. 2. We receive such mercy

    When we act like God above

    And forgive each other freely,

    Showing empathy and love.

    Putting up with one another,

    Putting hurtfulness away;

    Showing honor to our brother,

    Showing love’s surpassing way.

  3. 3. Mercy is a virtue

    That we all should cultivate.

    It will keep us from resentment,

    From the bitterness of hate.

    When we imitate Jehovah,

    Who is unsurpassed in love,

    We will truly be forgiving;

    We will be like God above.


 IHUAN 130

Gi Ima Gha Mwẹ Ekhọe Ayabọ

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Gi Ima Gha Mwẹ Ekhọe Ayabọ

(Psalm 86:5)

  1. 1. Jehova ne ’rha mwa

    Keghi mwẹ ekh’itohan.

    Ukpọmọkpa n’irẹn wa mwẹ,

    Ẹr’ọ ya zọese n’ima.

    T’ẹkpotọ ghi wa kie n’ima,

    Na ya guOsa ruadọlọ.

    ’Rẹn gha y’orukhọ mwa b’ima

    Degh’ima na fiwerriẹ.

  2. 2. Gima gha mwẹ ’tohan

    Vben’Osanobua vbe ye.

    Degh’emwa na vbe ruima khọ,

    Ma ghi y’ekhọe hia yabọ.

    Ọ ma zẹdẹ khẹke hiehie

    N’ima gha rhi’ẹmwẹ y’ẹko;

    Gima gha yerre vb’ẹghẹ hia

    W’emw’orukhọ ma hia khin.

  3. 3. Ọ khẹke n’ima hia

    Wa gha mwẹ ’khọe ne khuẹrhẹ.

    Degh’emwa na y’ohu muima,

    Ma ghi hia na gbibiẹrrie.

    Mai mwẹ ’mwi n’ima y’ẹzọ ru;

    Ọfunmwegbe ma gualọ.

    Gima wa gha mw’ahoẹmwọmwa

    Kevb’ẹnina daemwa hia.

(Vbe ya ghee Mat 6:12; Ẹfis 4:32; Kọl 3:13.)