SONG 125

“Happy Are the Merciful!”

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“Happy Are the Merciful!”

(Matthew 5:7)

  1. 1. Our happy God is merciful,

    His mercy not just dutiful.

    He takes delight in kindly deeds

    And freely grants our daily needs.

    Repentant ones can be assured

    Their plea for mercy will be heard.

    Remembering that we are dust,

    He’s merciful and kind and just.

  2. 2. When we have sinned and feel distressed,

    When God’s forgiveness we request,

    Our Lord, Christ Jesus, showed the way

    To ask for mercy when we pray:

    “Forgive our debts, we beg of you,

    As we forgive our debtors too.”

    We then can let resentment go,

    And peace of mind and heart we’ll know.

  3. 3. When gifts of mercy we bestow,

    The giving spirit we should show.

    We give without desiring praise,

    Content with joy our gift conveys.

    Then God, who sees all things we do,

    Will be the One repaying you.

    Yes, happy are the merciful,

    In God’s eyes they are beautiful.

(See also Matt. 6:2-4, 12-14.)


 IHUAN 125

‘Oghọghọ Nọ Ne Emwa Ni Mwẹ Ekhọe Itohan!’

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
‘Oghọghọ Nọ Ne Emwa Ni Mwẹ Ekhọe Itohan!’

(Matiu 5:7)

  1. 1. Ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekh’itohan

    Ẹr’Osanobua mwa wa khin.

    ’Rẹn keghi kpemehe n’ima.

    Ọmwa n’ob’ẹse tọlọ nọ.

    Osa ne ’rha mwa keghi rẹn

    W’ebubẹ kẹkan ma wa khin.

    ’Rẹn keghi y’ob’esi muima.

    ’Rẹn wa y’ekhọe hia hoẹmw’ima.

  2. 2. Jesu n’OvbiOsanobua mwa

    Mwẹ ’khọesi vbene ’rhae vbe ye.

    ’Rẹn keghi wa rinmwia n’ima,

    Vb’ima gha ruemwi nọ ma gba.

    Rhun’d’ọni, gima gha yabọ

    Degh’emwa na vbe ruima khọ.

    Degh’ima na gha ru vberriọ,

    Orhiọn ’ghomwa ghi wa sotọ.

  3. 3. Degh’emwa na tu buima rre,

    Ọ khẹke n’ima mwẹ ’tohan.

    Ọmwa nọ ruẹse n’ovbiogue,

    T’ọ rhie n’Osanobua mọmọ.

    Ẹse vberriọ ma wii hiehie;

    ’Rẹn gha wa hae re werriegbe.

    Gima gha ruẹse ne ’mwa hia;

    Ọ keghi y’ọmwa sọyẹnmwẹ.

(Vbe ya ghee Mat 6:2-4, 12-14.)