SONG 122

Be Steadfast, Immovable!

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Be Steadfast, Immovable!

(1 Corinthians 15:58)

  1. 1. Nations are troubled as never before.

    People are fearful of what lies in store.

    Firm and immovable we need to be,

    Serving our God faithfully.


    Steadfast we all need to be;

    Far from this world we keep free,

    Standing firm to the end,

    Unending life we’ll see.

  2. 2. Snares of the world and temptations abound.

    We can resist if our thinking is sound.

    Hating what’s bad while we love what is true

    Makes us immovable too.


    Steadfast we all need to be;

    Far from this world we keep free,

    Standing firm to the end,

    Unending life we’ll see.

  3. 3. Give to God worship that comes from the heart.

    In the Lord’s service may we have a part.

    Preach the good news, always holding it fast.

    Soon the last days will have passed.


    Steadfast we all need to be;

    Far from this world we keep free,

    Standing firm to the end,

    Unending life we’ll see.


 IHUAN 122

Gha Mwẹ Imudiase, Ghẹ Beghe!

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Gha Mwẹ Imudiase, Ghẹ Beghe!

(1 Kọrinti 15:58)

  1. 1. Ekhọe ọghe ’mwa nibun ma sotọ

    Rhun’d’ẹmw’agbọn na nọ ghi wa rria yọ.

    Sokpan ma ni yegbe fiohan n’Osa

    Keghi wa mw’ayayẹro.


    Gima gha mwẹ ’mudiase,

    N’ima mieke na musọe.

    Gia rhiegba y’ugamwẹ

    Ọgh’Osanobua mwa.

  2. 2. Setan keghi wa hia vb’odẹ k’odẹ

    Nọ gb’amuẹtinyan ọghomwa muotọ.

    Sokpan obọ re khian sẹtin vbaima

    Degh’ima na khẹ ye ’gbe.


    Gima gha mwẹ ’mudiase,

    N’ima mieke na musọe.

    Gia rhiegba y’ugamwẹ

    Ọgh’Osanobua mwa.

  3. 3. Gima gha y’ẹkoata g’Osanobua.

    Gima wa gha mwẹ ’lẹkẹtin yan rẹn.

    Iwinn’ikporhu nọ mu y’ima ’bọ,

    Gia y’ekhọe hia rhiegbe yọ.


    Gima gha mwẹ ’mudiase,

    N’ima mieke na musọe.

    Gia rhiegba y’ugamwẹ

    Ọgh’Osanobua mwa.

(Vbe ya ghee Luk 21:9; 1 Pit 4:7.)