SONG 120

Imitate Christ’s Mildness

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Imitate Christ’s Mildness

(Matthew 11:28-30)

  1. 1. The greatest of men was our Lord Jesus Christ;

    By pride or ambition, he was not enticed.

    God’s purpose gave Jesus the prominent role;

    Yet, lowly in heart, he was always whole-souled.

  2. 2. To all who are toiling with troublesome cares,

    He offers to carry the burdens they bear.

    Refreshment they find as the Kingdom they seek.

    With kindness and mildness, he favors the meek.

  3. 3. ‘We all are just brothers,’ our Lord Jesus said.

    In humble submission, we look to our Head.

    The mild and the meek ones to God have great worth;

    He promises they will inherit the earth.


 IHUAN 120

Gha Mwẹ Ekhọe Ọmẹhẹ Vbene Jesu Vbe Ye

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Gha Mwẹ Ekhọe Ọmẹhẹ Vbene Jesu Vbe Ye

(Matiu 11:28-30)

  1. 1. Ọmwa nọ wa hiunsi ẹri Jesu khin.

    Sokpan ọ ma mwẹ ’ghẹ nọ ya tengbe mu.

    ’Rẹn keghi mw’amuroro daemwa nagbọn.

    Ọmwa nọ mwẹ ’khọe ne khuẹrhẹ ’rẹn wa khin.

  2. 2. Jesu gie na tie ’mwa ni mw’ọlọghọmwa,

    N’iran gha dee n’irẹn ruiyobọ n’iran.

    Egbe gha rọkh’emwa hia ni buirẹn rre.

    ’Rẹn keghi mwẹ ’nina kevb’ahoẹmwọmwa.

  3. 3. Jesu keghi y’obọ ’kpa muemwa rẹn hia.

    Ọ wa khẹke n’ima gha yegbe taa re.

    Degh’ima na gha mwẹ ’khọe ọgh’ọmẹhẹ,

    Ma gha wa mianfiangbe ọghe ’tẹbitẹ.

(Vbe ya ghee Itan 3:34; Mat 5:5; 23:8; Rom 12:16.)