SONG 116

The Power of Kindness

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The Power of Kindness

(Ephesians 4:32)

  1. 1. We praise you, Jehovah, deep from our hearts,

    For in your Word we find

    Your power supreme, your wisdom so great,

    And yet you are loving and kind.

  2. 2. Your Son still invites those bruised by the world

    To leave their cares behind.

    How kindly his yoke, how tender his heart,

    He’s always refreshing and kind.

  3. 3. We see in our God and Jesus our Lord,

    The persons we should be.

    The power of kindness we can possess.

    With kindness, how strong we can be!


 IHUAN 116

Itohan Keghi Re Akpa Nọ Ru Ekpataki

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Itohan Keghi Re Akpa Nọ Ru Ekpataki

(Ẹfisọs 4:32)

  1. 1. Ma rhie ’kpọnmwẹ nuẹ, Osanobua mwa.

    Wẹ keghi mwẹ ’tohan.

    U gbaroghe ’mwa ni wa hoẹmwẹ ruẹ,

    Ni ga ruẹ vb’od’ọgh’ẹmwata.

  2. 2. Jesu n’OvbiOsa keghi mwẹ ’tohan

    Vbene ’rhae wa vbe ye.

    Ọmwaikọmwa nọ bui Jesu gha dee,

    Gha mi’ ’fuẹko kevb’afiangbe.

  3. 3. Ọ khẹke n’ima n’Ivbiotue Kristi

    Vbe gha mwẹ ’kh’itohan.

    Gima gha y’obọ nọ maan muemwa hia.

    Osanobua gha fiangb’ima!

(Vbe ya ghee Mai 6:8; Mat 11:28-30; Kọl 3:12; 1 Pit 2:3.)