SONG 113

Our Possession of Peace

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Our Possession of Peace

(John 14:27)

  1. 1. Praise Jehovah, God of peace,

    God of unity.

    He will make all wars to cease,

    Bring in harmony.

    Prince of Peace is Christ his Son,

    Tender, calm, and kind.

    When the fight for right he’s won,

    Perfect peace we’ll find.

  2. 2. We have left off angry words,

    Making quarrels cease.

    We have made from spears and swords,

    Implements of peace.

    If this peace we want to keep,

    Then we must forgive.

    Peacefully as Jesus’ sheep,

    May we learn and live.

  3. 3. Peace from God gives proof to all;

    He has blessed our way.

    His commands we gladly keep,

    Ready to obey.

    We would recommend our way,

    Show our peaceful care

    Till the Kingdom’s perfect day

    Brings peace ev’rywhere.


 IHUAN 113

Ima Keghi Mwẹ Ọfunmwegbe

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Ima Keghi Mwẹ Ọfunmwegbe

(Jọn 14:27)

  1. 1. Jehova keghi r’Osa


    ’Rẹn hoo ne ’mwa nagbọn hia

    Gha mwẹ akugbe.

    Jesu Kristi n’Ovbiẹre

    Wa mwẹ ’kh’itohan.

    Te ’gbe khian wa rọkh’ima

    Vb’ọ gha kha yain ma.

  2. 2. T’ima wa winna kugbe


    Mai vbe zẹdẹ kinnegbe;

    Ma wa hoẹmw’egbe.

    Ma vbe ruiyobọ ne ’tẹn

    N’obọ ma s’ọre.

    Ma vbe rhi’ ’giọdu ne ’gbe

    Vb’ẹghẹ nọ wegbe.

  3. 3. Ẹmwẹ ọgh’Osanobua

    Kuima hia kugbe.

    Ọ y’ima mw’amuẹtinyan


    Ọ y’ima mw’ọfunmwegbe


    Mai khian kue ne ’mwi rhọkpa

    Y’ima wann’egbe.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 46:9; Aiz 2:4; Jems 3:17, 18.)