SONG 111

Our Reasons for Joy

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Our Reasons for Joy

(Matthew 5:12)

  1. 1. Our reasons for joy are abundant,

    Like riches increasing in worth.

    Those precious to God from all nations

    Are joining us in all the earth.

    The joy in our heart is well-founded,

    With roots reaching deep in God’s Word.

    We daily partake of its teachings;

    Faith follows the things we have heard.

    Our causes for joy are deep-seated,

    Like embers that burn in our hearts.

    Though troubles and trials beset us,

    Endurance Jehovah imparts.


    Jehovah our God is our joy,

    The work of his hands our delight.

    How deep are his thoughts, how great are his works,

    Abounding in goodness and might!

  2.  2. We gladly behold his productions,

    The heavens, the sea, and the land.

    We gaze at the book of creation,

    Applauding the work of his hands.

    Triumphantly we now bear witness,

    Proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

    The news of its birth and its blessings,

    We joyously spread all abroad.

    Eternal rejoicing approaches,

    Like daylight that follows the night.

    The promised new earth and new heavens

    Will bring everlasting delight.


    Jehovah our God is our joy,

    The work of his hands our delight.

    How deep are his thoughts, how great are his works,

    Abounding in goodness and might!


 IHUAN 111

Emwi Nọ Ya Ima Sọyẹnmwẹ

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Emwi Nọ Ya Ima Sọyẹnmwẹ

(Matiu 5:12)

  1. 1. Emwi bun nọ y’ima mwọghọghọ,

    Ẹf’orhiọn ’gh’ima wa muan yọ.

    Emwa n’Osanobua hoẹmw’ọnrẹn

    Wa debaima vb’otagbọn hia.

    Ẹmwẹ nọ rre ’vbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn,

    Keghi wa y’ima sọyẹnmwẹ.

    Ma keghi tiẹre vb’ẹdẹgbegbe;

    Ọ wa y’ima mw’amuẹtinyan.

    Ekhọe hia ma wa ya sọyẹnmwẹ,

    Ekh’ima wa vuọn n’oyọnyọn.

    Ma gha rhe mi’ukpokpo vbe ’danmwẹ,

    Ma keghi wa mwẹ ’b’iziengbe.


    Jehova, ma wa sọyẹnmwẹ

    Y’iwinna n’uwẹ y’obọ ru.

    Iwinn’ọyunnua ẹre hia wa khin;

    Ma gbọyẹmwẹ y’ẹse ọghuẹ!

  2.  2. Ma wa ghọghọ ye ’mwi n’irẹn yi

    Y’ẹrinmwi, agbọn kevb’ẹzẹ.

    Emwiọyunnua ọghẹe na bẹghe,

    Wa sẹ n’ima gha kp’obọ yi.

    Ma y’oghọghọ kporhuiyẹn nọ maan

    Ọghe n’Arriọb’Osanobua.

    Ma keghi yae wewe vbe ’he hia,

    Afiangbe ọghe n’Arriọba.

    Ọ gha rherhe mue n’Arriọba rre,

    T’ima khian wa sọyẹnmw’ọnrẹn.

    N’agbọn ’gh’ọgbọn kevb’ẹrinmwiọgbọn

    Gha fuimaegbe vbe ’tẹbitẹ.


    Jehova, ma wa sọyẹnmwẹ

    Y’iwinna n’uwẹ y’obọ ru.

    Iwinn’ọyunnua ẹre hia wa khin;

    Ma gbọyẹmwẹ y’ẹse ọghuẹ!

(Vbe ya ghee Diut 16:15; Aiz 12:6; Jọn 15:11.)