SONG 108

God’s Loyal Love

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God’s Loyal Love

(Isaiah 55:1-3)

  1. 1. Loyal love! God is love.

    We can sense his care from above.

    God by means of his precious Son

    Paid the ransom for ev’ryone,

    Giving hope that we might possess

    Life eternal and happiness.


    Hey there, all you thirsty ones,

    Come and drink life’s water free.

    Yes, come drink, you thirsty ones;

    God’s loyal love you’ll see.

  2. 2. Loyal love! God is love.

    All his works give proof of his love.

    Love Jehovah has further shown,

    Giving Jesus the kingly throne.

    God’s own purpose has come to pass.

    See! His Kingdom is here at last!


    Hey there, all you thirsty ones,

    Come and drink life’s water free.

    Yes, come drink, you thirsty ones;

    God’s loyal love you’ll see.

  3.  3. Loyal love! God is love.

    May his spirit move us to love.

    As we loyally help the meek,

    God’s commandments they learn to keep.

    We are serving with godly fear,

    Preaching boldly for all to hear.


    Hey there, all you thirsty ones,

    Come and drink life’s water free.

    Yes, come drink, you thirsty ones;

    God’s loyal love you’ll see.


 IHUAN 108

E Jehova Keghi Mwẹ Ahoẹmwọmwa Nọ Wegbe

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
E Jehova Keghi Mwẹ Ahoẹmwọmwa Nọ Wegbe

(Aizaia 55:1-3)

  1. 1. Jehova ne ’rha mwa

    Wa mw’ahoẹmwọmwa nọ wegbe.

    Osa y’ukpọmọkpa nọ mwẹ

    Ya ruizọese ne ’mwa nagbọn.

    Ọ rhi’ayayẹro ne ’mwa rẹn;

    Ọ gha rhi’afiangbe n’iran hia.


    Emwa hia n’ovbamẹ gbe,

    Osa gie na ti’uwa hia.

    Wa do wan mẹ ọgh’orhiọn.

    ’Rẹn keghi hoẹmw’uwa.

  2. 2. Jehova ne ’rha mwa

    Wa mw’ahoẹmwọmwa nọ dinmwi.

    Ọ rhi’asẹ ni Jesu Kristi

    Nọ wa suẹn gha kha zẹvb’Ọba.

    Ọ gha guọgh’e Setan ne ’su.

    T’ọ khian wa dọl’agbọn na yi.


    Emwa hia n’ovbamẹ gbe,

    Osa gie na ti’uwa hia.

    Wa do wan mẹ ọgh’orhiọn.

    ’Rẹn keghi hoẹmw’uwa.

  3.  3. Jehova ne ’rha mwa

    Wa mw’ahoẹmwọmwa nẹi beghe.

    Gima wa gha yegbe taa re.

    Gia ruiyobọ ne ’mw’ọmẹhẹ

    N’iran do g’Osanobua mwa,

    N’iran mieke na mi’ ’miẹnfan.


    Emwa hia n’ovbamẹ gbe,

    Osa gie na ti’uwa hia.

    Wa do wan mẹ ọgh’orhiọn.

    ’Rẹn keghi hoẹmw’uwa.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 33:5; 57:10; Ẹfis 1:7.)