SONG 107
The Divine Pattern of Love
The Divine Pattern of Love
(1 John 4:19)
1. The pattern of love, we learn from Jehovah
Shows the way, guides our way.
In all he has done, his dealings have shown us
How to display his loving way.
He gave us his Son, his dearest possession
To cover our sin, forgiving transgression.
What proof of his love—its greatest expression!
His way is love, Yes, God’s way is love.
2. When we walk his way, our love for each other
Will be true, warm and true,
Will move us to care for all of our brothers,
Old ones and new, not just a few.
True love for our God and love for our brother,
We can’t have the one and not have the other.
The faults of our friends, we readily cover,
Proving our love, Our brotherly love.
3. The pattern of love, the bond that unites us
Lets us be family.
Our Father above now warmly invites us:
“Come taste and see real unity.”
Come share in the love and joy that define us;
God’s spirit and Word, he gives to refine us.
Our brothers and friends are here to remind us,
God’s way is love. Jehovah is love.
Gha Mwẹ Ahoẹmwọmwa Vbene Osa Vbe Ye
Gha Mwẹ Ahoẹmwọmwa Vbene Osa Vbe Ye
(1 Jọn 4:19)
1. Osa ne ’rha mwa keghi mw’ahoẹmwọmwa
Nọ dinmwi ne ’mwa rẹn.
Ọ khẹke n’ima vbe gha lel’igiemwi
Ne Nọyanmwa wa rhie n’ima.
Ọ y’ukpọmọkpa n’irẹn wa hoẹmw’ọnrẹn
Ya zọese n’ima rhun’d’orukhọ ’ghomwa.
Ai mi’ahoẹmwọmwa nọ ghi wegbe s’ọna!
Ahoẹmwọmwa ẹr’Osa mwa khin.
2. Evbọ khẹke nọ n’ima gha y’ekhọe hia
Hoẹmw’etẹn ọghomwa.
Gia y’obọ nọ maan gha muavbe ’niwanrẹn,
Avb’igbama kevb’ibiẹka.
Mai khian sẹtin tae w’ima hoẹmw’Osa mwa,
Vben’a na miẹn wẹẹ, ma ma hoẹmw’etin ma.
Ma gha yab’iran vb’iran gha ruima khọ,
Osanobua ghi vbe yab’ima.
3. Vb’ẹd’okiekie na, ahoẹmwọmwa ne ’mwa
Nibun mwẹ wa worua.
Sokpan nọ n’ima ni rr’ugamwẹ ’mwata,
Ma wa lughaẹn ne ’mwa nagbọn.
A keghi rẹn ma y’ahoẹmwẹ nọ dinmwi
Kevbe nọ wegbe n’ima wa mwẹ daegbe.
Ma wa mw’akugbe, ma ruiyobọ ne ’gbe.
Ahoẹmwọmwa ẹr’ọ kuima gbe.
(Vbe ya ghee Rom 12:10; Ẹfis 4:3; 2 Pit 1:7.)