SONG 102

“Assist Those Who Are Weak”

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“Assist Those Who Are Weak”

(Acts 20:35)

  1. 1. Many are the weaknesses

    That we all possess.

    Still Jehovah cares for us,

    Loves us nonetheless.

    He is so merciful;

    His love, so powerful.

    May we show this kind of love,

    Help those in distress.

  2. 2. Some at times are weak in faith,

    Strong though they appear.

    By our reassuring words,

    We can calm their fears.

    Weak ones to God belong;

    His spirit makes them strong.

    May we feel their pain and cares,

    Help them dry their tears.

  3. 3. Rather than condemn the weak,

    We should bear in mind

    How much we can strengthen them

    By our being kind.

    May we be diligent,

    Give them encouragement.

    As we lend our kind support,

    Comfort they will find.


 IHUAN 102

Gia Gha ‘Ru Iyobọ Ne Emwa Ni Vburriẹ’

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Gia Gha ‘Ru Iyobọ Ne Emwa Ni Vburriẹ’

(Iwinna 20:35)

  1. 1. Ai mi’ọmwa nọ wa fo

    na Vbuw’ima rhọkpa.

    Rhun’da emwa ni ma gba

    Ẹr’ima hia khin.

    Sokpan Osanobua

    Ye mwẹ ’tohan gh’ima.

    Gima vbe gha mwẹ ’nina


  2. 2. Ọ khẹke na ruiyobọ

    Ne ’tẹn ni vburriẹ.

    Iran wa mw’ọlọghọmwa

    N’iran wa gu suan.

    Gia loẹmwẹ ne khuẹrhẹ

    Ya rhi’ ’fuẹko n’iran.

    Gima wa vbe rhi’ ’giọdu

    Nọ khẹke n’iran.

  3. 3. Gima gha gbarokotọ

    Vb’iko ọghomwa.

    Ma gha miọn tẹn nọ vburriẹ,

    Ma ghi siẹ kẹ ’gbe.

    Ma ghi gual’otọre,

    Evbọ kpokp’ẹ’ vb’orhiọn.

    Ma ghi wa fẹko y’ẹwaẹn

    Muẹre ’khọe sotọ.

(Vbe ya ghee Aiz 35:3, 4; 2 Kọr 11:29; Gal 6:2.)