God’s Own Book​—A Treasure

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God’s Own Book​—A Treasure

(Proverbs 2:1)

  1. 1. There is a book that by its many pages,

    Brings peace and joy and hope to humankind.

    Its wondrous thoughts are charged with such great power;

    It brings life to the “dead,” sight to the “blind.”

    That precious book is God’s own Holy Bible.

    Its words were penned by men whom God inspired,

    By men who truly loved their God Jehovah,

    And by his holy spirit they were fired.

  2. 2. They wrote a record true of God’s creations,

    How by his might this universe appeared.

    They also told how man at first was sinless

    But how his Paradise then disappeared.

    They further told about a certain angel

    Who challenged God and spurned his sov’reignty.

    That challenge led to sin and man’s great sorrow,

    But soon will come Jehovah’s victory.

  3.  3. The time has come with reason for rejoicing:

    Jehovah rules by his anointed King.

    So now we preach the good news of the Kingdom

    And share the hope of blessings it will bring.

    Within his book are found these cheerful tidings;

    A sacred banquet feast on which to feed.

    It offers peace beyond all human thinking;

    This Living Treasure beckons all to read.



Ebe Osanobua Keghi Re Emwi Ewe

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Ebe Osanobua Keghi Re Emwi Ewe

(Itan 2:1)

  1. 1. Ọ keghi wa mwẹ ebe ne kpataki

    Nọ wa y’emwa nagbọn hia sọyẹnmwẹ.

    Ebe n’ima guan kaan na keghi mwẹ ’tin;

    Ọ wa rhi’ayayẹro ne ’mwa nagbọn.

    Ebe ne kpataki na ọre Baibol.

    Osanobua keghi luemwa ya gbọẹn.

    Orhiọn nọhuanrẹn keghi rhi’ẹtin n’iran.

    Ẹmwẹ ọgh’Osanobua ẹre nọ.

  2. 2. E Baibol keghi t’okha ọgh’agbọn na,

    K’ẹgh’omuhẹn do sẹ ’ghẹ ọghomwa.

    Ọ vbe ye tae, emwi nọ dee vb’odaro,

    Vb’Arriọb’Osanobua gha ghi rre nẹ.

    Ọ keghi tae, vben’orukhọ ya suẹn hẹ;

    Ọ guan kaan odibo nọ wa sọtẹ,

    Nọ ghaa gbodan ghee ’mwamwa ọgh’Osa mwa,

    Sokpan Jehova na buohiun wu gbẹ.

  3.  3. U mie vben’ẹko wa s’ima ’yẹnmwẹ hẹ!

    Jehova muArriọba ọghẹe gbọ nẹ.

    Nia, ma keghi y’iyẹn nọ maan na wewe.

    Ma keghi hoo ne ’mwa hia wa miẹn fan.

    Ma keghi miẹn ’mwata na vbuwe Baibol;

    Ma wa vbe y’ekhọe hia gbọyẹmwẹ yọ.

    Ebe nọ khẹke n’ima wa gha tie nọ;

    Ọ gha wa y’ima sikọsanobua.

(Vbe ya ghee 2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pit 1:21.)