A Place Bearing Your Name

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A Place Bearing Your Name

(1 Chronicles 29:16)

  1. 1. How great is the honor, Jehovah,

    To build you a place for your name!

    We offer it now with rejoicing

    To add to your glory and fame.

    Whatever the things we may give you,

    They rightly were yours from the start.

    Our labor, our skill, our possessions,

    We joyfully give from the heart.


    May we present this place to you,

    And here may your name be known.

    We dedicate this place to you;

    Please accept it as your own.

  2. 2. And now may we honor you, Father,

    By filling this place with your praise.

    May glory ascend with the increase

    Of those who are learning your ways.

    Committing this place to your worship,

    We give it our generous care.

    And long may it stand as a witness,

    Supporting the message we bear.


    May we present this place to you,

    And here may your name be known.

    We dedicate this place to you;

    Please accept it as your own.



Owa Na So Eni Ruẹ Ginna

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Owa Na So Eni Ruẹ Ginna

(1 Krọnikol 29:16)

  1. 1. Nọyanmwa ma y’ekhọe hia kpọnmwọ

    Y’ẹse hia nu wa ru n’ima!

    Ekhọe ọghomwa vuọn n’oghọghọ

    N’ima na sẹtin b’owa ruẹ.

    Emwi hia n’ima ya ruiyobọ,

    Ẹse nọ k’obọ ruẹ rre nọ.

    Iwinna ruẹ ma wa muaro yi.

    T’ima khian ga ruẹ s’ufomwẹ.


    Enọyanmwa, ma bu ruẹ rre;

    Ma y’owa na fiohan nuẹ.

    Ugamwẹ nọ wa ke ’khọe rre,

    Ẹr’ima khian gha rhie nuẹ.

  2. 2. Enọyanmwa n’Osa n’oghodua,

    Ma wa rhi’uyi vbe ’kpọnmwẹ nuẹ.

    Lahọ giowa na gha vuọn ne ’mwa

    Ni ga ruẹ vb’od’ọgh’ẹmwata.

    T’ima khian gha dọl’owa na yi;

    Lahọ rhi’ẹtin vb’ẹrhiọn n’ima.

    T’ima khian gha y’ẹmwẹ ruẹ wewe;

    Mai khian giegbe wuẹ ma hiehie.


    Enọyanmwa, ma bu ruẹ rre;

    Ma y’owa na fiohan nuẹ.

    Ugamwẹ nọ wa ke ’khọe rre,

    Ẹr’ima khian gha rhie nuẹ.

(Vbe ya ghee 1 Ọba 8:18, 27; 1 Krọ 29:11-14; Iwinna 20:24.)