Our Labor of Love

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Our Labor of Love

(Psalm 127:1)

  1. 1. Jehovah, this is the day;

    Now from our hearts, we want to pray.

    How you have honored us, favored us,

    More than words can say!

    Upon our labor of love,

    We’ve seen your blessing from above.

    And now a building stands, by our hands,

    As the proof thereof.


    Jehovah God, it was a priv’lege

    For us to build this place for you.

    May we continue in your service throughout our days

    And bring you praise in all we do.

  2. 2. What happy faces we see,

    And what good friends we’ve come to be!

    And how we’ll cherish these memories

    For eternity!

    We saw your spirit, O Lord,

    In how we worked with one accord.

    And how we’ve added fame to your name;

    What a grand reward!


    Jehovah God, it was a priv’lege

    For us to build this place for you.

    May we continue in your service throughout our days

    And bring you praise in all we do.



Iwinna Ne Ima Ya Ahoẹmwọmwa Ru

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Iwinna Ne Ima Ya Ahoẹmwọmwa Ru

(Psalm 127:1)

  1. 1. Osanobua ne ’rha mwa,

    Ma y’ekhọe hia rhie ’kpọnmwẹ nuẹ.

    Mai khian sẹtin mianmian ẹse hia

    Nu wa ru n’ima!

    Iwinna nu mu n’ima,

    Ekhọ’ ’yẹnmwẹ ma wa ya ruẹ.

    Ma y’ẹtin ruẹ b’owa na khian gha

    Loo y’ugamwẹ ruẹ.


    Owa ruẹ mudia nẹ Nọyanmwa;

    Ekh’ima wa vuọn n’oghọghọ.

    Osa ne ’rha mwa ma rinmwia ruẹ, nu mi’ọnrẹn yi,

    Ugamwẹ hia n’ima rhie nuẹ.

  2. 2. Ma keghi ruemwi kugbe,

    Ma wa vbe ruiyobọ ne ’gbe!

    Ma keghi sọyẹnmwẹ vb’ẹghẹ hia

    Vbuw’iko ọghuẹ!

    Orhiọn ’gh’ima wa sotọ;

    U gbarogh’ima vb’ẹghẹ hia.

    Ma keghi y’eni ruẹ nọhuanrẹn

    Wewe vbe ’he hia!


    Owa ruẹ mudia nẹ Nọyanmwa;

    Ekh’ima wa vuọn n’oghọghọ.

    Osa ne ’rha mwa ma rinmwia ruẹ, nu mi’ọnrẹn yi,

    Ugamwẹ hia n’ima rhie nuẹ.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 116:1; 147:1; Rom 15:6.)