We Must Be Taught

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We Must Be Taught

(Isaiah 50:4; 54:13)

  1. 1. Come with rejoicing, and learn about Jehovah.

    “Come drink life’s water,” the spirit has said.

    Healthful instruction, God has provided.

    All those who hunger for truth will be fed.

  2. 2. Never forsaking our gathering together,

    We must be taught; we must learn what is right.

    Here with God’s spirit, here with our brothers,

    Here we are strengthened to walk in the light.

  3. 3. Lips that sing praise, how encouraging to hear them!

    Tongues of the taught ones, how sweet is their sound!

    Oh, may we always meet with God’s people!

    Oh, may we always among them be found!



Gia Rhiegbe Ye Iruẹmwi Ọghe Jehova

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Gia Rhiegbe Ye Iruẹmwi Ọghe Jehova

(Aizaia 50:4; 54:13)

  1. 1. Ọ wa khẹke n’ima ruẹ vbekpae Jehova.

    Ẹkpotọ keghi wa kie ne ’mwa hia.

    Ma gha mianfiangbe kevb’irọkhegbe,

    Degh’ima na lel’adia ọgh’Osa.

  2. 2. Ọ wa khẹke n’ima gha y’iko vb’ẹghẹ hia.

    Gia gha kọe ye ’khọe ẹmwẹ ọgh’Osa.

    Orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghe Jehova

    Gha rhi’ ’lẹkẹtin kevb’ẹrhiọn n’ima.

  3. 3. Ihuan na so vb’iko wa rhi’ ’giọdu n’ọmwa!

    Jehova wa sẹ na rhie ’kpọnmwẹ na!

    Iko ọghomwa ruiyobọ n’ima!

    Osa ne ’rha mwa kpemehe n’ima!

(Vbe ya ghee Hib 10:24, 25; Arhie 22:17.)