“From House to House”

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“From House to House”

(Acts 20:20)

  1. 1. From house to house, from door to door,

    Jehovah’s word we spread.

    From town to town, from farm to farm,

    Jehovah’s sheep are fed.

    The good news that God’s Kingdom rules,

    As Jesus Christ foretold,

    Is now declared throughout the earth

    By Christians young and old.

  2. 2. From house to house, from door to door,

    Salvation we proclaim.

    It comes to those who make the choice

    To call upon God’s name.

    But how can they respect the name

    Of One they do not know?

    To ev’ry home and ev’ry door,

    The sacred name must go.

  3. 3. So let us go from door to door

    To spread the Kingdom news.

    And whether it’s embraced or not,

    We’ll let the people choose.

    At least we’ll name Jehovah’s name,

    His glorious truth declare.

    And as we go from door to door,

    We’ll find his sheep are there.



‘Ke Owa Ya Sẹ Owa’

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
‘Ke Owa Ya Sẹ Owa’

(Iwinna 20:20)

  1. 1. Onurho hia kevb’owa hia,

    Ẹr’ima lele khian.

    Avb’ohuan ọgh’Osanobua,

    Ẹr’ima gualọ khian.

    Arriọba ọgh’Osanobua

    Wa kha nẹ vb’ẹrinmwi.

    Ọ wa khẹke na y’iyẹn na

    Wewe vb’otagbọn hia.

  2. 2. Ma keghi lel’owa hia khian;

    Ma hoo ne ’mwa hia rẹn

    Vbekpae eni ne kpataki

    Ọgh’Osanobua mwa.

    Emwa nibun wa bibi khian

    Vbuw’agbọn ’ghe ’biebi.

    Gia y’ekhọe hia rhiegbe ladian,

    Na ya gi’odẹ mairan.

  3. 3. Gia ye gha lel’urho hia khian;

    Iwinna ye rr’otọ.

    Ẹkpotọ wa ye kie ne ’mwa,

    N’iran ya fiwerriẹ.

    Ẹd’ibuohiẹn ọgh’Osanobua mwa

    Sotọ fo nẹ.

    Gima gha lel’urho hia khian,

    Na y’ẹmwẹ na wewe.

(Vbe ya ghee Iwinna 2:21; Rom 10:14.)