Light in a Darkened World

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Light in a Darkened World

(2 Corinthians 4:6)

  1. 1. In these days, dark and lawless days,

    Shines a light we can see.

    Like the dawn of another day

    That will soon come to be.


    Shining through the darkness,

    Ours is a message so bright.

    It offers hope and light—

    Sparkling like the daylight,

    Bringing tomorrow in sight—

    So ends the night.

  2. 2. Those who sleep need awakening

    As the time ebbs away.

    We give hope and encouragement.

    For their future we’ll pray.


    Shining through the darkness,

    Ours is a message so bright.

    It offers hope and light—

    Sparkling like the daylight,

    Bringing tomorrow in sight—

    So ends the night.



Ukpa Nọ Baa Vbuwe Ebiebi

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Ukpa Nọ Baa Vbuwe Ebiebi

(2 Kọrinti 4:6)

  1. 1. Vbuw’agbọn nọ wa suebiebi,

    Ma keghi bẹgh’ukpa.

    T’ọ yevbe na wa rr’ẹgh’owiẹ

    Vb’ẹdẹ gha ghi gbe nẹ.


    T’ọ baa vbe na gh’ukpa,

    Ẹmwẹ n’ima ya wewe.

    Ọgh’ayayẹro nọ—

    T’ọ baa vbe na gh’ovẹn,

    Ma bẹgh’Arriọba n’Osa

    Mwamwa khẹ ’ma.

  2. 2. Enọ vbiẹ wẹẹ rhiọrre vb’ovbe,

    Ẹghẹ wa khian buan nẹ.

    Igiọdu kevb’ayayẹro,

    Ẹr’ima rhie ne ’mwa.


    T’ọ baa vbe na gh’ukpa,

    Ẹmwẹ n’ima ya wewe.

    Ọgh’ayayẹro nọ—

    T’ọ baa vbe na gh’ovẹn,

    Ma bẹgh’Arriọba n’Osa

    Mwamwa khẹ ’ma.

(Vbe ya ghee Jọn 3:19; 8:12; Rom 13:11, 12; 1 Pit 2:9.)