Join in the Kingdom Song!

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Join in the Kingdom Song!

(Psalm 98:1)

  1. 1. This is a song, a happy song of vict’ry;

    It magnifies the One who is supreme.

    The words give hope and prompt all to be loyal.

    Come sing with us; enjoy its Kingdom theme:


    ‘Come worship God Before his throne.

    His Son is King; Let’s make it known!

    Come learn this song, this song about the Kingdom;

    Bow down to God, and praise his holy name.’

  2. 2. With this new song, we advertise the Kingdom.

    Christ Jesus rules; the earth is his domain.

    And as foretold, there is a newborn nation:

    The Kingdom heirs, who welcome Jesus’ reign:


    ‘Come worship God Before his throne.

    His Son is King; Let’s make it known!

    Come learn this song, this song about the Kingdom;

    Bow down to God, and praise his holy name.’

  3. 3. This Kingdom song, all humble ones can master.

    The words are clear, their message warm and bright.

    In all the earth, a multitude have learned it,

    And they in turn still others now invite:


    ‘Come worship God Before his throne.

    His Son is King; Let’s make it known!

    Come learn this song, this song about the Kingdom;

    Bow down to God, and praise his holy name.’



Uwa Gia So Ihuan Ọghe Arriọba!

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Uwa Gia So Ihuan Ọghe Arriọba!

(Psalm 98:1)

  1. 1. Wa gia sihuan nọ wa y’ọmwa sọyẹnmwẹ.

    Gia rhi’urhomwẹ n’Osa nọ yo sẹ hia.

    Ọ wa khẹke n’ima hia gha mwẹ ’koata.

    Arriọb’Osanobua sotọ fo nẹ.


    Wa hia larre na do g’Osa.

    Wa gima hia rhi’urhomwẹ nẹ!

    Wa gia sihuan, ihuan nọ dekaan ’rriọba

    Ọgh’Osa mwa n’ima y’ekhọe hia ga.

  2. 2. Gia yae wewe iyẹn nọ maan ọgh’Osa.

    Jesu Kristi wa kha nẹ zẹvb’Ọba.

    Ọ gha sẹ ’ghẹ, ọ gha guọgh’emwa dan hia;

    Ọfunmwegbe ghi do gha rre ’he hia.


    Wa hia larre na do g’Osa.

    Wa gima hia rhi’urhomwẹ nẹ!

    Wa gia sihuan, ihuan nọ dekaan ’rriọba

    Ọgh’Osa mwa n’ima y’ekhọe hia ga.

  3. 3. Ihuan ’rriọba keghi muọmwa ’rhiọn sotọ.

    Ihuan nọ rriẹ, nọ gu’ọmwa kpa re nọ.

    Gia y’ekhọe hia gha sihuan na vb’ẹghẹ hia.

    Gia tie ’mwa hia n’iran do debaima.


    Wa hia larre na do g’Osa.

    Wa gima hia rhi’urhomwẹ nẹ!

    Wa gia sihuan, ihuan nọ dekaan ’rriọba

    Ọgh’Osa mwa n’ima y’ekhọe hia ga.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 95:6; 1 Pit 2:9, 10; Arhie 12:10.)