Grant Us Boldness

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Grant Us Boldness

(Acts 4:29)

  1. 1. As we tell about the Kingdom,

    As we witness for your name,

    There are many who oppose us

    And who try to bring us shame.

    But instead of fearing men,

    It’s really you we must obey.

    So we beg you now for your spirit;

    O Jehovah, hear what we pray.


    Grant us boldness as we witness;

    Help us overcome our fear.

    Give us confidence and courage

    So that all the world may hear.

    Armageddon draws ever near,

    But until that great day is here,

    Grant us boldness as we witness.

    This is our prayer.

  2.  2. Even though we may be fearful,

    You remember we are dust.

    Your assurance to support us

    Is a promise we can trust.

    Give attention to the threats

    Of those who persecute and blame.

    May you help us all to continue

    As we boldly speak in your name.


    Grant us boldness as we witness;

    Help us overcome our fear.

    Give us confidence and courage

    So that all the world may hear.

    Armageddon draws ever near,

    But until that great day is here,

    Grant us boldness as we witness.

    This is our prayer.



Rhie Udinmwẹ Ne Ima

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Rhie Udinmwẹ Ne Ima

(Iwinna 4:29)

  1. 1. Emwa nibun gbodan gh’ima

    Rhun’d’ikporhu n’ima kpee.

    Ẹd’ibuohiẹn n’ima guan kaẹn

    Keghi bal’iran vbe ’họ.

    Sokpan mai khian rhun’d’ọni

    D’unu yi n’ima ghẹ ghi guan.

    Osa ne ’rha mwa, ma rinmwia ruẹ

    Nu rhi’ẹtin kevb’ẹrhiọn n’ima.


    Nọyanmwa rhi’udinmwẹ n’ima,

    N’ima ya gha t’ẹmwẹ ruẹ.

    Lahọ rhi’ ’lẹkẹtin n’ima;

    Lahọ ghẹ giẹtin fuima.

    Amagẹdọn sotọ fo nẹ,

    Sokpan ọ ghi te suẹn gha khọn,

    Lahọ nu rhi’udinmwẹ n’ima.

    Gh’ima vb’iguẹ.

  2.  2. N’ima na re ’mwa ni ma gba,

    Ohan vbe zẹdia muima.

    Sokpan ma wa muẹtin yan ruẹ;

    U gha wa mueyan ruẹ sẹ.

    Giavbe ’ghian ni khẹkuima

    Y’uhun’ muemwi n’iran mwamwaẹn.

    Mai khian dobọ yi vb’iwinna ruẹ;

    Lahọ nu rhi’ ’giọdu n’ima.


    Nọyanmwa rhi’udinmwẹ n’ima,

    N’ima ya gha t’ẹmwẹ ruẹ.

    Lahọ rhi’ ’lẹkẹtin n’ima;

    Lahọ ghẹ giẹtin fuima.

    Amagẹdọn sotọ fo nẹ,

    Sokpan ọ ghi te suẹn gha khọn,

    Lahọ nu rhi’udinmwẹ n’ima.

    Gh’ima vb’iguẹ.

(Vbe ya ghee 1 Tẹs 2:2; Hib 10:35.)