Making Known the Kingdom Truth

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Making Known the Kingdom Truth

(Acts 20:20, 21)

  1. 1. There was a time we did not know

    The way a Christian ought to go.

    Then Jehovah sent the light,

    His Kingdom truth so clear and bright.

    Our Father’s will we then could see

    To serve the grand Theocracy,

    To declare Jehovah’s fame,

    And help to glorify his holy name.

    We witness now to all we meet,

    From door to door and on the street.

    We take the time to help them see;

    We teach the truth that sets us free.

    And as we strive in ev’ry land

    Jehovah’s worship to expand,

    May we serve our God as one

    Until Jehovah says the work is done.



Ima Keghi Ya Ẹmwata Ọghe Ne Arriọba Wewe

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Ima Keghi Ya Ẹmwata Ọghe Ne Arriọba Wewe

(Iwinna 20:20, 21)

  1. 1. Uw’ebiebi ma ka gha ye;

    Ma ma rẹn ’mwi n’ima ghaa ru.

    Vb’okiekie ma na bẹghe

    Awanwan ọgh’Osanobua.

    Ma na ghi suẹn gha bẹgh’odẹ.

    Ma na ghi rẹn we t’ọ khẹke

    Na y’ẹmwẹ ọgh’Osa mwa

    Ya wewe l’ehe hia vb’otagbọn na.

    Ugbugbẹhia ma ya ladian;

    Ma keghi hoo na ruiyobọ

    N’ọmwaikọmwa nọ hoo nọ rẹn

    Ẹmwata ọgh’Osanobua.

    Ma y’ugamwẹ ọgh’Osa mwa

    Khien nọ vẹwa l’otagbọn hia.

    Gia tuabọ ye n’iwinna,

    Ọ te sẹ ’ghẹ ne Jehova khare.

(Vbe ya ghee Jọs 9:9; Aiz 24:15; Jọn 8:12, 32.)