Search Out Deserving Ones

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Search Out Deserving Ones

(Matthew 10:11-15)

  1. 1. In preaching the Kingdom and teaching the truth,

    Our Lord showed us how to proceed:

    ‘Search out those deserving and ready to hear,

    Those aware of their spiritual need.

    By greeting the household and wishing it peace,

    Then it may be that peace you’ll impart.

    But when they refuse you or turn you away,

    Shake the dust from your feet and depart.’

  2. 2. All those who receive you receive him as well,

    Respond when their heart opens wide.

    Their right disposition for unending life

    Will impel them to serve at your side.

    And never be anxious about what to say,

    For Jehovah will help you to speak.

    Your answer when gracious and seasoned with salt

    Will appeal to the humble and meek.



Emwa Ne Ohanmwẹ Orhiọn Gbe Ẹre Ima Gualọ

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Emwa Ne Ohanmwẹ Orhiọn Gbe Ẹre Ima Gualọ

(Matiu 10:11-15)

  1. 1. Igiemwi ni Jesu rhie yotọ n’ima,

    Ẹr’ima wa rhi’owẹ lele.

    Ma gha rr’ikporhu, ma keghi gual’emwa

    N’ohanmwẹ ọgh’ẹmwata wa gbe.

    Ma gha s’onurho, ma ghi ka tu’ọ yan ’wa;

    Ma ghi tae emwi nọ muima rre.

    Sokpan degh’ọ ma na hoo nọ danmwehọ,

    Ma wa fẹko vbe kpa vba nii rre.

  2. 2. Adegh’ima na mi’ọmwa nọ danmwehọ,

    Ma ghi gi’odẹ ’mwata ma rẹn.

    Adegh’ọmwa nọ gual’ẹmwata ’re nọ,

    Ọ ghi wa y’ekhọe hia mi’ọnrẹn yi.

    Ma gha rr’ikporhu, mai zẹdẹ mw’afianma;

    Jehova wa ruiyobọ n’ima.

    Adegh’ima na gua wa muẹmwẹ y’owa,

    Ma gha sẹtin s’ekhọe ọghe ’mwa.

(Vbe ya ghee Iwinna 13:48; 16:14; Kọl 4:6.)