Go Forward in Preaching the Kingdom!

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Go Forward in Preaching the Kingdom!

(2 Timothy 4:5)

  1. 1. Go forward in preaching the Kingdom

    To people in ev’ry land.

    With love in your hearts for your neighbor,

    Help meek ones to take their stand.

    Our service to God is a priv’lege;

    His word we are glad to proclaim.

    Go out in the field and keep preaching;

    Give witness to God’s holy name.


    Forward, boldly preach the

    Kingdom message ever far and wide.

    Forward, faithful, loyally remaining

    on Jehovah’s side.

  2. 2. Together we press ever forward,

    Anointed and other sheep.

    The old and the young men and women

    In step with the truth do keep.

    The good news of God’s coming Kingdom

    Is something that all need to hear.

    We preach in the strength of Jehovah;

    With him there is nothing to fear!


    Forward, boldly preach the

    Kingdom message ever far and wide.

    Forward, faithful, loyally remaining

    on Jehovah’s side.



Gia Tuabọ Ye Iwinna Ikporhu Iyẹn Nọ Maan!

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Gia Tuabọ Ye Iwinna Ikporhu Iyẹn Nọ Maan!

(2 Timoti 4:5)

  1. 1. Gima tuabọ y’iwinna ’rriọba

    N’Osa mwa mu y’ima ’bọ.

    Ọ khẹke na ruiyobọ ne ’mwa;

    Ẹd’ibuohiẹn sotọ nẹ.

    Ẹkpotọ wa ye kie ne ’mwa hia

    N’iran do guOsa ruadọlọ.

    Iwinna nibun wa ye rr’otọ;

    Ọ khẹke n’ima tuabọ yọ.


    Tuabọ y’iwinn’ikporhuiyẹn nọ maan

    ọghe n’Arriọba.

    Tuabọ y’iwinna nọ khian wa rhi’uyi

    gi’Osanobua mwa.

  2. 2. Wa gima gha y’ekhọe hia winna;

    Ọ khẹke na kuobọ gbe.

    K’ọmaẹn k’ẹghele ni rr’uw’iko,

    Wa hia tuabọ y’iwinna.

    Ọ wa khẹke na tam’emwa hia

    W’Arriọba ’gh’Osa sotọ nẹ.

    Jehova keghi rhi’ẹtin n’ima;

    Mai zẹdẹ mw’afianma hiehie!


    Tuabọ y’iwinn’ikporhuiyẹn nọ maan

    ọghe n’Arriọba.

    Tuabọ y’iwinna nọ khian wa rhi’uyi

    gi’Osanobua mwa.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 23:4; Iwinna 4:29, 31; 1 Pit 2:21.)