Declare the Good News

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Declare the Good News

(Revelation 14:6, 7)

  1. 1. The fullness of the Kingdom truth was long concealed.

    The truth about the promised King is now revealed.

    Jehovah in his mercy and his love of right

    Considered man’s condition in his sinful plight.

    He formed his purpose that his Son should rule the earth;

    In God’s due time the Kingdom rule

    would be brought to birth.

    And that he might arrange to bring his Son a bride,

    A little flock of chosen ones is glorified.

  2. 2. The good news that we now declare was long foreknown.

    Jehovah wills that in this time it would be shown.

    Along with us, his angels take delight to share,

    To aid us as the Kingdom truth we now declare.

    We have the duty and the honor in these days

    To sanctify his name

    and give him his rightful praise.

    We’re honored as his Witnesses that name to bear

    With everlasting good news that we now declare.



Ya Iyẹn Nọ Maan Wewe

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Ya Iyẹn Nọ Maan Wewe

(Arhie Maan 14:6, 7)

  1. 1. Osanobua mwa ruemwamwa ne kpataki

    Nọ gha y’ima gha mwọghọghọ kevb’isọkẹn.

    Arriọba n’irẹn wa mu gbọ ma guan kaẹn na.

    N’Arriọba keghi suẹn gha kha nẹ vb’ẹrinmwi.

    Jehova zi Jesu n’Ovbiẹre zẹvb’Ọba;

    Ọmwa nọ wa mwẹ ’khọesi

    kevb’ahoẹmwọmwa nọ.

    Ukhamwẹ ọghe Nọyanmwa gha fuimaegbe.

    T’ima khian wa gha sọyẹnmwẹ vbe ’tẹbitẹ.

  2. 2. Osanobua ne Jehova vbe ruemwamwa,

    N’ima ya ’rriọba na wewe vb’otagbọn hia.

    Avb’odibo ni rr’ẹrinmwi rr’imaiyeke;

    Iran keghi ruiyobọ n’ima vb’ẹghẹ hia.

    Ukpamuyọmọ ne kpataki ’na wa khin;

    Ọ khẹke n’ima wa y’ekhọe hia

    gbọyẹmwẹ yọ.

    Gima rhiegba y’iwinna ne kpataki na.

    Afiangbe ọghe ’tẹbitẹ gha s’ima ’bọ.

(Vbe ya ghee Mak 4:11; Iwinna 5:31; 1 Kọr 2:1, 7.)