Move Ahead!

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Move Ahead!

(Hebrews 6:1)

  1. 1. Move ahead, move ahead to maturity!

    Shine the light of the truth so that all may plainly see.

    Try your best to improve in your ministry;

    Trust in God for true success.

    There’s a place in the service for all.

    It’s the work Jesus did, you’ll recall.

    Look to God for support that you may not fall,

    Standing firm for righteousness.

  2. 2. Move ahead, move ahead, boldly witnessing!

    Everlasting good news to all sorts of people bring.

    Join in praise to Jehovah, our God and King,

    As we preach from door to door.

    Though opposers would like us to fear,

    Don’t hold back, but let ev’ryone hear.

    Tell the news that the Kingdom of God is here.

    Teach the truth yet more and more.

  3.  3. Move ahead, move ahead, always follow through,

    And improve in your skills,

    for there’s so much work to do.

    Let the spirit of God keep on leading you.

    Find the joy that is divine.

    Love the people you work hard to find.

    Keep returning to reach heart and mind.

    And assist them to grow and to be refined,

    So the light of truth will shine.



Gha Mwẹ Alaghodaro!

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Gha Mwẹ Alaghodaro!

(Hibru 6:1)

  1. 1. Gha mw’alaghodaro; rhiegbe ruẹ ladian!

    Giemwa hia wa rẹn ruẹ zẹvb’ọmwa nọ mwẹ ’zọghae.

    Gha mw’alaghodaro vb’iwinn’ikporhu;

    Osa gha ruiyobọ nuẹ.

    Ẹkpotọ nibun wa kie n’ima

    Vb’ugamwẹ ọgh’Osanobua mwa.

    Gia ruiyobọ ne ’mwa ni gual’ẹmwata.

    Osa gha rhi’ẹtin n’ima.

  2. 2. Gha mw’alaghodaro; ghẹ giohan mu ruẹ!

    Y’udinmwẹ guemwa guan vbekpa ’rriọb’Osanobua.

    Kham’emwa wẹẹ ’d’ibuohiẹn sotọ fo nẹ;

    We n’iran muegbe yotọ.

    Avbe ’ghian gha siohan yọ ruẹ ’gbe,

    Ghẹ siegbe, ye gha guemwa hia guan.

    Kham’emwa we n’iran sikọsanobua.

    Ghẹ zẹdẹ giegbe wọọ ruẹ.

  3.  3. Gha mw’alaghodaro; gha ruẹ ’mwi sayọ.

    Gha loẹwaẹn vb’ifuẹro

    vb’odẹ nu ya guemwa guan.

    Osa gha wa y’orhiọn nọhuanrẹn dia ruẹ.

    T’u khian wa gha sọyẹnmwẹ.

    Ghẹ wa miami’emwa nu kporhu ma;

    Ọ khẹke nu ye gha n’ẹmw’iran.

    Ruiyobọ n’iran ya dobọ muẹmwata,

    N’iran mieke na miẹn fan.

(Vbe ya ghee Fil 1:27; 3:16; Hib 10:39.)