Make the Truth Your Own

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Make the Truth Your Own

(Proverbs 3:1, 2)

  1. 1. The way of the truth is the best way of living,

    But no one can live your life for you.

    So take the advice that Jehovah is giving;

    Believe what he tells you is true.


    Make the truth your own.

    Make it live, yes, make it real.

    And then feel the joy

    Jehovah gives you

    When you make the truth your own.

  2. 2. The effort you make and the time you are spending

    In service to God and his Kingdom

    Will yield rich results and a life that’s unending,

    A life full of good things to come.


    Make the truth your own.

    Make it live, yes, make it real.

    And then feel the joy

    Jehovah gives you

    When you make the truth your own.

  3. 3. Compared with our God, we are all little children

    And need his direction and counsel.

    So walk ev’ry day with our Father in heaven;

    Receive his rich blessing in full.


    Make the truth your own.

    Make it live, yes, make it real.

    And then feel the joy

    Jehovah gives you

    When you make the truth your own.



Lele Odẹ Ọghe Ẹmwata

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Lele Odẹ Ọghe Ẹmwata

(Itan 3:1, 2)

  1. 1. Od’ọgh’ẹmwata keghi r’odẹ nọ maan sẹ,

    Sokpan wẹ ẹr’ọ khian zẹ ne ’gbuẹ.

    Evbọ khẹke nọ nu gha y’ekhọe hia lelẹe,

    Adia ne Jehova rhie nuẹ.


    Lel’odẹ ’mwata.

    Ghẹ beghe, wa mudiase.

    U gha mianfiangbe

    Ọghe Jehova

    Vbe n’odẹ ọgh’ẹmwata.

  2. 2. Ghẹ giegbe wọọ ruẹ vb’iwinna ọgh’Arriọba;

    Ovbiẹghẹ kherhe ẹr’ọ ghi kẹ.

    U gha mi’ ’saẹnse nọ k’ob’Osanobua rre,

    Vb’ẹghẹ na kevb’ẹghẹ nọ dee.


    Lel’odẹ ’mwata.

    Ghẹ beghe, wa mudiase.

    U gha mianfiangbe

    Ọghe Jehova

    Vbe n’odẹ ọgh’ẹmwata.

  3. 3. Gima y’ekhọe hia gha hẹnmwẹ ne Jehova

    N’ima mieke na sẹtin musọe.

    Ọ gha rhi’ ’miẹnfan ne ’guọmwadia ọghẹe hia

    ni g’irẹn vb’od’ọgh’ẹmwata.


    Lel’odẹ ’mwata.

    Ghẹ beghe, wa mudiase.

    U gha mianfiangbe

    Ọghe Jehova

    Vbe n’odẹ ọgh’ẹmwata.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 26:3; Itan 8:35; 15:31; Jọn 8:31, 32.)