“This Is the Way”

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“This Is the Way”

(Isaiah 30:20, 21)

  1. 1. There is a way of peace,

    The way you’ve come to know.

    It is the way you learned,

    The way of long ago,

    The way that Jesus taught you

    When his voice you heard.

    This is the way of peace,

    Found in Jehovah’s Word.


    This is the way to life; This is the way.

    Don’t look aside; Not for a moment stray!

    God’s voice is calling: ‘This is the way;

    Do not look back, for yes, this is the way.’

  2. 2. There is a way of love,

    No need to look around.

    God’s voice has shown the way

    He lets himself be found.

    His love is full and good;

    His love is warm and true.

    This is the way of love;

    It touches all we do.


    This is the way to life; This is the way.

    Don’t look aside; Not for a moment stray!

    God’s voice is calling: ‘This is the way;

    Do not look back, for yes, this is the way.’

  3.  3. There is a way of life,

    No need to look behind.

    Our God has promised us:

    No better way we’ll find,

    No higher way to peace,

    No finer way to love.

    This is the way to life,

    Thanks to our God above.


    This is the way to life; This is the way.

    Don’t look aside; Not for a moment stray!

    God’s voice is calling: ‘This is the way;

    Do not look back, for yes, this is the way.’



‘Ọna Ọre Odẹ’

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
‘Ọna Ọre Odẹ’

(Aizaia 30:20, 21)

  1. 1. Khian lel’odẹ ọghe ’mwa

    Ni mw’ọfunmwegbe.

    Ọna ’r’odẹ ọghe ’mwa

    Ni hẹnmwẹ n’Osa,

    Ọna ’r’odẹ ọghe ’mwa

    Ni mw’ayayẹro.

    Ọna ’r’odẹ ni Jesu

    Kristi gie ma ruẹ.


    Ọna ’r’odẹ ’mwata; Ọna ’r’odẹ.

    Osanobua wa gie na tie ’mwa hia!

    Ọmwaikọmwa nọ lel’odẹ na,

    Gha wa miẹn fan; Ọna ’r’odẹ ’mwata.

  2. 2. Khian lel’odẹ ọghe ’mwa

    Ni mw’ahoẹmwọmwa.

    Ọna ’r’odẹ ọgh’Osanobua

    Ne ’rha mwa.

    ’Rẹn keghi mwẹ ’nina

    Kevbe ’khọ’ ’gh’itohan.

    Ọna ’r’odẹ nọ maan,

    Na khian la mi’ ’miẹnfan.


    Ọna ’r’odẹ ’mwata; Ọna ’r’odẹ.

    Osanobua wa gie na tie ’mwa hia!

    Ọmwaikọmwa nọ lel’odẹ na,

    Gha wa miẹn fan; Ọna ’r’odẹ ’mwata.

  3.  3. Khian lel’odẹ n’Osanobua mwa

    Gie ma ruẹ.

    Ọna ’r’odẹ nọhuanrẹn,

    Nọ ghi wa maan sẹ,

    Ọna ’r’odẹ ọgh’arrọọ


    Gima wa khian lel’odẹ

    na ya s’ufomwẹ.


    Ọna ’r’odẹ ’mwata; Ọna ’r’odẹ.

    Osanobua wa gie na tie ’mwa hia!

    Ọmwaikọmwa nọ lel’odẹ na,

    Gha wa miẹn fan; Ọna ’r’odẹ ’mwata.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 32:8; 139:24; Itan 6:23.)