Preparing to Preach

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Preparing to Preach

(Jeremiah 1:17)

  1. 1. Morning comes.

    Soon we will be

    On our way to preach good news.

    But it’s dark outside,

    And the rain starts to fall.

    It would be easy to stay inside,



    Positive thoughts and preparation,

    Praying that we’ll succeed;

    This can provide the inspiration,

    We’ll surely need.

    We’re not alone; the angels guide us.

    Jesus commands them all.

    And with a loyal friend beside us,

    We’ll never fall.

  2.  2. Soon we’ll see

    Joy come our way

    If these things we keep in mind.

    And Jehovah sees

    Ev’ry effort we make,

    And he remembers the love we show;

    this we know.


    Positive thoughts and preparation,

    Praying that we’ll succeed;

    This can provide the inspiration,

    We’ll surely need.

    We’re not alone; the angels guide us.

    Jesus commands them all.

    And with a loyal friend beside us,

    We’ll never fall.



A Gha Muegbe Ikporhu

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
A Gha Muegbe Ikporhu

(Jerimaia 1:17)

  1. 1. Vb’ẹghẹ ’so,

    Ma gha muegbe

    N’ima ladian vb’ikporhu,

    Amẹ ghi wa bi,

    Avannukhun’ lelẹe;

    Egb’ikporhu sẹtin wa wọọ ’mwa



    Degh’ima na gha mwẹ igiọdu,

    Ma na vbe gha n’erhun’,

    Ọna gha wa rhi’aguakpa n’ima,

    Na ya kporhu.

    Avb’odibosa rr’imaiyeke;

    Mai mw’afianma hiehie.

    Jesu n’Ọba vbe rr’imaiyeke;

    Ma gha musọe.

  2.  2. Ẹghẹ hia

    Ma ya ghọghọ;

    Ma keghi wa mwẹ ’yobọ.

    Jehova wa rẹn

    Iwinna ọghomwa.

    ’Rẹn keghi rhi’ẹtin ne ’guọmwadia

    ọghẹe hia.


    Degh’ima na gha mwẹ igiọdu,

    Ma na vbe gha n’erhun’,

    Ọna gha wa rhi’aguakpa n’ima,

    Na ya kporhu.

    Avb’odibosa rr’imaiyeke;

    Mai mw’afianma hiehie.

    Jesu n’Ọba vbe rr’imaiyeke;

    Ma gha musọe.

(Vbe ya ghee Asan 11:4; Mat 10:5, 7; Luk 10:1; Tai 2:14.)