To God We Are Dedicated!

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To God We Are Dedicated!

(Matthew 16:24)

  1. 1. To Christ, by our God, Jehovah, we have been drawn

    To be his disciples from now on.

    From Jehovah’s lofty throne,

    How the light of truth has shone.

    In our hearts, our faith has grown;

    Our lives we vow to disown.


    To God we are dedicated; This is our choice.

    In him and in Jesus we now rejoice.

  2. 2. In prayer we have come before Jehovah to say

    We’ll serve him forever and obey.

    It’s a joy beyond compare,

    One that we are glad to share,

    As Jehovah’s name we bear,

    And Kingdom truth we declare.


    To God we are dedicated; This is our choice.

    In him and in Jesus we now rejoice.



Osanobua Ẹre Ima Yegbe Fiohan Na!

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Osanobua Ẹre Ima Yegbe Fiohan Na!

(Matiu 16:24)

  1. 1. Jehova n’Osa mwa keghi si ’ma kẹ ’gbe.

    Jesu n’Ovbiẹre ma lele khian.

    Ma kpọnmw’Osa ne ’rha mwa

    Y’adia nọ wa rhie n’ima,

    Nọ y’ima mw’amuẹtinyan.

    Mai ghi ruọghe ne ’gb’ima.


    Osanobua ẹr’ima yegbe fiohan na.

    ’Rẹn ma rhie ’kpọnmwẹ kevb’urhomwẹ na.

  2. 2. Ma muegberriotọ n’Osa mwa nọ rr’ẹrinmwi.

    T’ima khian wa gae ya s’ufomwẹ.

    Ma ne ’guọmwadia ruẹ hia

    Keghi kporhu vb’ẹghẹ hia.

    Ma keghi gi’odẹ ’mwata

    Maemwa vb’uhuon tagbọn hia.


    Osanobua ẹr’ima yegbe fiohan na.

    ’Rẹn ma rhie ’kpọnmwẹ kevb’urhomwẹ na.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 43:3; 107:22; Jọn 6:44.)