My Prayer of Dedication

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My Prayer of Dedication

(Matthew 22:37)

  1. 1. Take my heart and may it love

    Truth and wisdom from above.

    Take my voice and let it sing

    Praises always to my King.

  2. 2. Take my feet and take my hands;

    Let them serve your wise commands.

    Take my silver and my gold.

    Nothing, Lord, would I withhold.

  3. 3. Take my life and bring it, Lord,

    With your will, in full accord.

    Take myself, may all I do

    Be well-pleasing, Jah, to you.



Erhunmwu Ọghe Ayegbe Fiohan Ọghomwẹ

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Erhunmwu Ọghe Ayegbe Fiohan Ọghomwẹ

(Matiu 22:37)

  1. 1. Mẹ keghi y’ekhọe mwẹ hia

    Ruahoo ruẹ vb’ẹdẹgbegbe.

    Mẹ keghi rhi’urhomwẹ nuẹ.

    Ekhọe mwẹ vuọn n’ọyẹnmwẹ.

  2. 2. Mẹ keghi loẹrhiọn ’ghomwẹ

    Y’ugamwẹ ruẹ nọhuanrẹn.

    Lahọ rhan ’bọ mi’ọnrẹn yi,

    Izọhẹ n’imẹ ru nuẹ.

  3. 3. Mẹ keghi yegbe mwẹ hia

    Fiohan n’Osa ne ’rha mwẹ.

    Emwi nọ yae sọyẹnmwẹ,

    Ẹr’imẹ ru vb’ẹghẹ hia.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 40:8; Jọn 8:29; 2 Kọr 10:5.)