We Thank You, Jehovah

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We Thank You, Jehovah

(1 Thessalonians 5:18)

  1. 1. We thank you, Jehovah, each day and each night,

    That you shed upon us your precious light.

    We thank you that we have the priv’lege of prayer,

    That we can approach you with ev’ry care.

  2. 2. We thank you, Jehovah, for your loving Son,

    Who conquered the world; by his faith he won.

    We thank you for guidance in doing your will.

    You lovingly help us our vows fulfill.

  3. 3. We thank you, our God, for the honor to preach

    About your great name and the truth to teach.

    We thank you that soon all earth’s woes will be past,

    While your Kingdom blessings forever last.



Ma Rhie Ekpọnmwẹ Nuẹ, E Jehova

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Ma Rhie Ekpọnmwẹ Nuẹ, E Jehova

(1 Tẹsalonaika 5:18)

  1. 1. Ma rhie ’kpọnmwẹ nuẹ Jehova n’Osa mwa.

    U keghi vi’ ’ma y’uw’iko ọghuẹ.

    Ma wa vbe kpọnmwọ nu na si ’ma kẹ ’gbe.

    U keghi wa y’obọ nọ maan muima.

  2. 2. Ma rhie ’kpọnmwẹ nuẹ Jehova n’Ọba mwa.

    U y’Ovbuẹ nọ ghaan ruizọese n’ima.

    Ma wa vbe kpọnmwọ nu na gbarogh’ima.

    U keghi rhi’adia kevb’ẹwaẹn n’ima.

  3. 3. Ma rhie ’kpọnmwẹ nuẹ y’ẹrhiọn kevb’igiọdu

    Nu wa rhie n’ima ne ’guọmwadia ruẹ.

    Ma rhie ’kpọnmwẹ nuẹ ye ’mwamwa ọghuẹ hia,

    Nu khian ya rhi’afiangbe ne ’mwa ruẹ hia.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 50:14; 95:2; 147:7; Kọl 3:15.)