A Prayer of the Lowly One

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A Prayer of the Lowly One

(Psalm 4:1)

  1. 1. Jehovah God, I call to you and ask you:

    “Hear my prayer.”

    My wounds are deep and slow to heal;

    my load is hard to bear.

    Despondent thoughts and disappointed hopes

    have left me weak.

    O God of comfort, care for me;

    your favor I do seek.


    Do raise me up; help me endure.

    When I’m in doubt, make my hope sure.

    From deep despair, I turn to you.

    Jehovah God, my strength renew.

  2. 2. Your Word has been my comfort and

    a refuge when I’m weak,

    Expressing feelings dear to me

    in words I cannot speak.

    Please build in me the faith and trust

    that your Word does impart.

    And help me always know your love

    is greater than my heart.


    Do raise me up; help me endure.

    When I’m in doubt, make my hope sure.

    From deep despair, I turn to you.

    Jehovah God, my strength renew.



Erhunmwu Ọghe Ọmwa Imuegberriotọ

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Erhunmwu Ọghe Ọmwa Imuegberriotọ

(Psalm 4:1)

  1. 1. Enọyanmwẹ danmwehọ mwẹ,

    lahọ ghee mwẹ vb’iguẹ.

    I keghi rr’uw’ibavbaro

    kevb’obalọ nọkhua.

    Egbe wọọ mwẹ, iro han mwẹ,

    orhiọn mwẹ ma sotọ.

    Osa ne ’rha mwẹ tohan mwẹ;

    lahọ rhi’ ’fuẹko mẹ.


    Enọyanmwẹ, ruiyobọ mẹ.

    Rhi’ ’giọdu mẹ; khian meve mwẹ.

    W’ọkpa re nọ, n’I yegbe kọ.

    Lahọ ’rha mwẹ, ghẹ mianmian mwẹ.

  2. 2. Ẹmwẹ ruẹ n’I tie vb’ẹghẹ hia

    wa mu mwọrhiọn sotọ,

    Ọ keghi rhi’ẹrhiọn yọ mwẹ ’wu

    degh’egbe na wọọ mwẹ.

    Lahọ rhi’amuẹtinyan vb’ilẹkẹtin

    nọ wegbe mẹ.

    Osa ne ’rha mwẹ y’ob’esi

    gha mu mwẹ vb’ẹghẹ hia.


    Enọyanmwẹ, ruiyobọ mẹ.

    Rhi’ ’giọdu mẹ; khian meve mwẹ.

    W’ọkpa re nọ, n’I yegbe kọ.

    Lahọ ’rha mwẹ, ghẹ mianmian mwẹ.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 42:6; 119:28; Rom 8:26; 2 Kọr 4:16; 1 Jọn 3:20.)