To Whom Do We Belong?

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To Whom Do We Belong?

(Romans 14:8)

  1. 1. To whom do you belong?

    Which god do you now obey?

    Your master’s the one to whom you bow.

    He is your god; you serve him now.

    You cannot serve two gods;

    Devotion cannot be shared.

    And so in the end your choice will depend

    On how your heart is prepared.

  2. 2. To whom do you belong?

    Which god will you now obey?

    For one god is false and one is true,

    So make your choice; it’s up to you.

    Will Caesar of this world

    Possess your allegiance still?

    Or will you obey the true God today

    By always doing his will?

  3. 3. To whom do I belong?

    Jehovah I will obey.

    My Father in heaven I will serve;

    I’ll pay my vows without reserve.

    He bought me at great cost;

    Devoted to him I’ll stay.

    To him I will give each moment I live.

    His name I’ll honor each day.



De Ọmwa Ne Ima Gha Ga?

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
De Ọmwa Ne Ima Gha Ga?

(Rom 14:8)

  1. 1. D’ọmwa n’uwẹ gha ga?

    D’osa nu gha hẹnmwẹ na?

    D’ọmwa nọ khẹke nu rhi’uyi na,

    Nọ vbe khẹke nu muẹtin yan?

    Ui sẹtin g’ọb’eva;

    Ọkpa ẹr’u khian zẹ vbọ.

    Ọna keghi r’azẹ ọgh’obọ ruẹ

    Nọ khẹke nu y’ẹwaẹn ru.

  2. 2. D’ọmwa n’uwẹ gha ga?

    D’osa nu gha hẹnmwẹ na?

    Osa ọgh’ẹmwata ’r’ọ khẹke

    Nu yegbe ruẹ hia fiohan na.

    Ugamwẹ na ma gua

    Ẹr’ima rhie n’Osa mwa.

    Mai rhi’ugamwẹ vberriọ ne ’mwa nagbọn

    Nẹi khian sẹtin mi’ ’ma fan.

  3. 3. D’ọmwa n’imẹ gha ga?

    Jehova n’udazi nọ.

    Osa n’oghodua nọ rr’ẹrinmwi,

    Ẹr’imẹ khian rhie ’kpọnmwẹ na.

    Ukpọmọkpa nọ mwẹ,

    Ẹr’ọ ya fiohan n’imẹ.

    T’imẹ khian wa y’ẹkoata g’Ọba mwẹ

    Wa ya sẹ ’dẹdẹmwẹdẹ.

(Vbe ya ghee Jọs 24:15; Psm 116:14, 18; 2 Tim 2:19.)