Take Sides With Jehovah!

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Take Sides With Jehovah!

(Exodus 32:26)

  1. 1. Once with confusion our sad hearts were filled,

    Drinking the cup false religion distilled;

    But with what happiness our hearts were thrilled

    When of God’s Kingdom we heard.


    Take sides with Jehovah; Make him your delight.

    He’ll never forsake you; Walk on in his light.

    Tell, tell the glad tidings Of freedom and peace.

    His rule by Christ Jesus Will ever increase.

  2. 2. Shoulder to shoulder we stand on God’s side,

    Preaching the news of his Kingdom earth wide.

    Now is the time for each one to decide,

    Time to take sides with our God.


    Take sides with Jehovah; Make him your delight.

    He’ll never forsake you; Walk on in his light.

    Tell, tell the glad tidings Of freedom and peace.

    His rule by Christ Jesus Will ever increase.

  3. 3. We will not fear what the Devil can do.

    Trusting Jehovah will carry us through.

    Though they are many and though we are few,

    God is our strength and our might.


    Take sides with Jehovah; Make him your delight.

    He’ll never forsake you; Walk on in his light.

    Tell, tell the glad tidings Of freedom and peace.

    His rule by Christ Jesus Will ever increase.



Obọ Ọghe Jehova Ẹre Ima Ye!

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Obọ Ọghe Jehova Ẹre Ima Ye!

(Ẹksodọs 32:26)

  1. 1. Uw’ebiebi ẹr’ima ka gha ye,

    Ma ke do mi’odẹ ọghe n’ẹmwata.

    Ekhọe ọgh’ima wa vuọn n’oghọghọ;

    Te ’gbe ghi wa rọkh’ima.


    Khian lele Jehova; Muorhiọn ruẹ yan rẹn.

    Ẹi khian yan gbuẹ hiehie; Lel’adia ọghẹe.

    Gha kporhuiyẹn nọ maan ọghe n’Arriọba.

    Jesu n’ọmiọmwafan kha nẹ zẹvb’Ọba.

  2. 2. Obọ ’gh’Osanobua ẹr’ima ye.

    Ma kporhuiyẹn nọ maan vb’otagbọn hia.

    Ẹkpotọ wa kie ne ’mwa nagbọn hia,

    N’iran do g’Osanobua.


    Khian lele Jehova; Muorhiọn ruẹ yan rẹn.

    Ẹi khian yan gbuẹ hiehie; Lel’adia ọghẹe.

    Gha kporhuiyẹn nọ maan ọghe n’Arriọba.

    Jesu n’ọmiọmwafan kha nẹ zẹvb’Ọba.

  3. 3. Te ’su khian y’uhun’ muemwi nọ mwamwaẹn.

    Osanobua ẹr’ima muẹtin yan.

    Ẹi khian kue n’ob’eghian k’ukhun’ n’ima;

    Mai khian zẹdẹ fian ’fianma.


    Khian lele Jehova; Muorhiọn ruẹ yan rẹn.

    Ẹi khian yan gbuẹ hiehie; Lel’adia ọghẹe.

    Gha kporhuiyẹn nọ maan ọghe n’Arriọba.

    Jesu n’ọmiọmwafan kha nẹ zẹvb’Ọba.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 94:14; Itan 3:5, 6; Hib 13:5.)