Oh, Walk With God!

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Oh, Walk With God!

(Micah 6:8)

  1. 1. Oh, walk with God in modesty;

    Show loyal love, and be true.

    Stay close to Jehovah, leaning on him,

    And let his strength sustain you.

    Keep holding tight to his faithful Word;

    You’ll never drift away.

    So let God lead you by the hand

    As you listen and obey.

  2. 2. Oh, walk with God in holiness;

    Consider things that are pure.

    No matter how great temptations may be,

    He’ll help you to endure them.

    Whatever praiseworthy things there are,

    Whatever things are true,

    Continue to consider them,

    And our God will be with you.

  3. 3. Oh, walk with God in happiness;

    Rejoice that he is your Friend.

    Be thankful for all the gifts that he gives

    And blessings that are endless.

    Oh, walk with God, let your heart be glad;

    Express your joy in song.

    Your joy will show, and all will know,

    To Jehovah you belong.



Khian Lele Osanobua!

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Khian Lele Osanobua!

(Maika 6:8)

  1. 1. Wa gima y’imuegberriotọ

    Khian lel’Osanobua mwa.

    Sikẹ Jehova nu muẹtin yan rẹn;

    Ọ gha rhi’ẹtin yọ ruẹ ’wu.

    Degh’u na y’ẹmwẹ ọghẹe ruemwi,

    Egbe gha rọkhọ ruẹ.

    GiOsa ne ’rha mwa rhie ruọbọ,

    Nu gha mwẹ adogbannọ.

  2. 2. Wa gima y’ekhọe nọhuanrẹn

    Khian lel’Osanobua mwa.

    Adegh’u na mi’ukpokpo nọ wegbe,

    Ọ gha wa ruiyobọ nuẹ.

    Gha ruerria yaẹn mw’ọgh’Osanobua,

    Nu vbe gha t’ẹmwata.

    Adegh’u na gha ru vberriọ,

    Osanobua gha fiangbuẹ.

  3. 3. Ọ khẹke n’ima y’oghọghọ

    Gha khian lel’Osanobua.

    Gha rhie ’kpọnmwẹ nẹ ye ’mwi nọ ru nuẹ,

    L’uw’ihuan ọgh’urhomwẹ.

    Khian lel’Osa, nu gha mw’ọyẹnmwẹ

    Vb’ugamwẹ nu rhie nẹ.

    Giuyinmwẹ ọghuẹ gha rhie ’tian

    Gie Jehova n’Ọba mwa.

(Vbe ya ghee Gẹn 5:24; 6:9; Fil 4:8; 1 Tim 6:6-8.)