Living Up to Our Name

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Living Up to Our Name

(Isaiah 43:10-12)

  1. 1. Glorious Jehovah, almighty, eternal,

    Perfect in justice, in power, in love.

    Source of all truth and of infinite wisdom,

    You rule as Sov’reign in heaven above.

    We as your people delight in your service;

    Your Kingdom truth we delight to proclaim.


    Being your Witnesses, great is our priv’lege.

    Oh, may we ever live up to our name!

  2. 2. Working together in your sacred service

    Binds us as brothers in love and in peace.

    Teaching the truth and reflecting your glory

    Fill us with joy as your praises increase.

    Known by your name, O Jehovah, our Father,

    We have the honor to add to your fame.


    Being your Witnesses, great is our priv’lege.

    Oh, may we ever live up to our name!



Gia Gha Yin Vbe Odẹ Nọ Gua Eni Ọghomwa Ro

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Gia Gha Yin Vbe Odẹ Nọ Gua Eni Ọghomwa Ro

(Aizaia 43:10-12)

  1. 1. Jehova n’Ọba ọgh’ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ,

    Osa nọ mwẹ ’tin kevb’ahoẹmwọmwa;

    Ibuohiẹn ọghuẹ, nọ wa gba ẹre nọ.

    Ẹwaẹn nu mwẹi zẹdẹ mwẹ ’ke nọ sẹ.

    Ma wa rhiegbe y’iwinn’ugamwẹ ọghuẹ;

    Ma y’ẹmwẹ ruẹ wewe vb’otagbọn hia.


    Ọ wa khẹke n’ima gha mwọnyinmw’esi

    Zẹvb’ọsosẹ ọgh’uwẹ n’ima khin!

  2. 2. Ma ne ’guọmwadia ruẹ ni rr’otagbọn hia

    Keghi mw’akugbe kevb’ahoẹmwọmwa.

    Ẹmwẹ ọghuẹ n’ima wa tam’emwa hia

    Keghi y’ima sọyẹnmwẹ vb’ẹghẹ hia.

    Ma keghi y’eni ruẹ nọ hiunsi waẹngbe.

    Ma y’ekhọe hia rhi’uyi vbe ’kpọnmwẹ nuẹ.


    Ọ wa khẹke n’ima gha mwọnyinmw’esi

    Zẹvb’ọsosẹ ọgh’uwẹ n’ima khin!

(Vbe ya ghee Diut 32:4; Psm 43:3; Dan 2:20, 21.)