Gaining Jehovah’s Friendship

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Gaining Jehovah’s Friendship

(Psalm 15)

  1. 1. Who is your friend, O God?

    Who in your tent may dwell?

    Who gains your friendship? Who gains your trust?

    Who really knows you well?

    All who embrace your Word,

    All who have faith in you,

    All who are loyal, all who are just,

    Living the truth for you.

  2. 2. Who is your friend, O God?

    Who may approach your throne?

    Who brings delight and makes you rejoice?

    Whose name to you is known?

    All who exalt your name,

    All who your Word obey,

    All who are faithful, honest in heart,

    Truthful in all they say.

  3. 3. Throwing our cares on you,

    Baring our hearts in prayer,

    Drawing us closer, bonding in love,

    Feeling your daily care,

    We yearn to be your friend.

    Long may our friendship grow.

    No greater Friend could we ever gain,

    No greater Friend we’ll know.



De Ọmwa Nọ Khian Sẹtin Sikẹ Osanobua?

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
De Ọmwa Nọ Khian Sẹtin Sikẹ Osanobua?

(Psalm 15)

  1. 1. D’ọmwa nọ khian sẹtin

    sikọsanobua mwa?

    D’ọmwa nọ khian sẹtin miangba dia

    vb’ibọkpọ ’ghẹe nọkhua?

    Osa gha gbọbokhian

    ne ’mwa ni mwẹ ’koata.

    Ọ gha rhi’afiangbe

    ne ’mwaesi hia ni yin vb’od’ọgh’ata.

  2. 2. D’ọmwa nọ khian sẹtin

    sikọsanobua mwa?

    D’ọmwa nọ khian wa sẹtin tota

    y’owa re nọ wa huan?

    Emwa ni fiwerriẹ

    vb’uyinmwẹ nọ ma huan,

    Ọmwaikọmwa nọ lẹẹ ne ’mwi dan

    gha sẹtin buirẹn rre.

  3. 3. Ma gha mw’ọlọghọmwa,

    Wẹ ẹr’ima tu tie.

    Wẹ keghi vi’ ’ma y’akharha ruẹ;

    U wa gbarogh’ima.

    Ma gele hoẹmwẹ ruẹ.

    Wẹ ma khian gu ruọse.

    Ai miọnse nọ yevbe na gh’uwẹ,

    Nọ mwẹ ’gbe ’khọe ọghuẹ.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 139:1; 1 Pit 5:6, 7.)