Jehovah Begins His Rule

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Jehovah Begins His Rule

(Revelation 11:15)

  1. 1. God’s Kingdom rules from above.

    All praise his Son, the beloved.

    Christ reigns in Zion, the chief cornerstone.

    Let us all lift up our voice.

    Sing to our God, and rejoice.

    Christ, Lord and Savior,

    has been placed upon His throne.


    What will you bring, Jehovah’s Kingdom?

    Triumph of truth and righteousness.

    And bring what else, Jehovah’s Kingdom?

    Eternal life and happiness.

    Praise the Universal Sov’reign

    For his love and faithfulness.

  2. 2. Christ now in power is here,

    And Armageddon is near.

    Satan’s old system will soon pass away.

    Now is the season to preach.

    Many there are yet to reach;

    Time for the meek

    to take their stand for Him today.


    What will you bring, Jehovah’s Kingdom?

    Triumph of truth and righteousness.

    And bring what else, Jehovah’s Kingdom?

    Eternal life and happiness.

    Praise the Universal Sov’reign

    For his love and faithfulness.

  3.  3. God’s reigning Ruler we prize.

    Wondrous he is in our eyes.

    He comes in God’s name; we bow to our King.

    Enter the grand temple gate;

    God’s favor now supplicate.

    Soon dawns that day

    when he rules over ev’rything.


    What will you bring, Jehovah’s Kingdom?

    Triumph of truth and righteousness.

    And bring what else, Jehovah’s Kingdom?

    Eternal life and happiness.

    Praise the Universal Sov’reign

    For his love and faithfulness.



E Jehova Suẹn Gha Kha Nẹ

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
E Jehova Suẹn Gha Kha Nẹ

(Arhie Maan 11:15)

  1. 1. A muArriọb’Osa gbọ nẹ.

    Gia rhi’urhomwẹ n’Ovbiẹre.

    Kristi n’okuta kha nẹ vbe Zaiyọn.

    Gima hia wa tunrhu mu

    Na sihuan gi’Osanobua.

    Kristi n’ọmiọmwafan

    tota y’ẹkete nẹ.


    Arriọb’Osa ẹr’u khian mu rre.

    T’u khian gha kha vb’odẹ nọ gbae.

    De ’mwiọvbehe nu khian vbe mu rre?

    Agbọn ọgh’ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ.

    Rhi’urhomwẹ n’Osa n’oghodua;

    ’Rẹn keghi mw’amuẹtinyan.

  2. 2. Kristi kha nẹ zẹvb’Ọba;

    Amagẹdọn sotọ nẹ.

    Agbọn dan na gha rherhe s’ufomwẹ.

    Gia wa rhiegba y’ikporhu;

    Nibun ye gual’ẹmwata.

    Ẹkpotọ wa ye kie

    ne ’mwa ọgh’ọmẹhẹ.


    Arriọb’Osa ẹr’u khian mu rre.

    T’u khian gha kha vb’odẹ nọ gbae.

    De ’mwiọvbehe nu khian vbe mu rre?

    Agbọn ọgh’ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ.

    Rhi’urhomwẹ n’Osa n’oghodua;

    ’Rẹn keghi mw’amuẹtinyan.

  3.  3. Ọba ’ghomwa wa hiunsi;

    Uyi nọkhua ma rhie nẹ.

    Gia gb’uhun’ kotọ ni Jesu n’Ọba.

    Ọ diguẹ y’akharh’Osa;

    Ọ rinmwia y’orukhọ mwa.

    Osa gha rherhe

    Muemwi hia wa y’ọr’obọ.


    Arriọb’Osa ẹr’u khian mu rre.

    T’u khian gha kha vb’odẹ nọ gbae.

    De ’mwiọvbehe nu khian vbe mu rre?

    Agbọn ọgh’ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ.

    Rhi’urhomwẹ n’Osa n’oghodua;

    ’Rẹn keghi mw’amuẹtinyan.

(Vbe ya ghee 2 Sam 7:22; Dan 2:44; Arhie 7:15.)