The Kingdom Is in Place​—Let It Come!

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The Kingdom Is in Place​—Let It Come!

(Revelation 11:15; 12:10)

  1. 1. Jehovah, you always have been,

    And always you will be.

    You’ve given the throne to your Son;

    He rules by your decree.

    The Kingdom has been brought to birth;

    His rulership will fill the earth.


    For now have come to pass

    Salvation and kingdom and might.

    The Kingdom is in place.

    We pray: “Let it come, Let it come!”

  2. 2. The time for the Devil is short;

    We know what this will mean.

    Though living in times of distress,

    We see the things unseen.

    The Kingdom has been brought to birth;

    His rulership will fill the earth.


    For now have come to pass

    Salvation and kingdom and might.

    The Kingdom is in place.

    We pray: “Let it come, Let it come!”

  3.  3. The angels in heaven rejoice

    And sing with joyful cries.

    The heavens above are relieved

    From Satan and his lies.

    The Kingdom has been brought to birth;

    His rulership will fill the earth.


    For now have come to pass

    Salvation and kingdom and might.

    The Kingdom is in place.

    We pray: “Let it come, Let it come!”



Ne Arriọba Khaevbisẹ—We Nọ Rre!

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Ne Arriọba Khaevbisẹ—We Nọ Rre!

(Arhie Maan 11:15; 12:10)

  1. 1. Jehova n’Osa n’udazi

    Nọ y’agbọn vb’ẹrinmwi—

    U rhi’asẹ n’Ovbuẹ nokpia nẹ,

    Nọ suẹn gha khaevbisẹ.

    N’Arriọba wa suẹn gha kha nẹ;

    T’ọ khian wa dọl’agbọn na yi.


    Imiẹnfan sotọ nẹ;

    Jesu tota y’ẹkete nẹ.

    N’Arriọba deziẹn nẹ.

    Ma n’erhun’ nọ rre, we nọ rre!

  2. 2. Ovbiẹghẹ kherhe ’su ghi mwẹ;

    Egbe ma ghi rọkhọe.

    Orueghe nọkhua sotọ nẹ,

    Sokpan ma gha miẹn fan.

    N’Arriọba wa suẹn gha kha nẹ;

    T’ọ khian wa dọl’agbọn na yi.


    Imiẹnfan sotọ nẹ;

    Jesu tota y’ẹkete nẹ.

    N’Arriọba deziẹn nẹ.

    Ma n’erhun’ nọ rre, we nọ rre!

  3.  3. Avb’odibosa sọyẹnmwẹ;

    Iran sihuon ghọghọ.

    Egbe rọkh’iran vb’ẹrinmwi

    Kobe ne ’su ya kpa.

    N’Arriọba wa suẹn gha kha nẹ;

    T’ọ khian wa dọl’agbọn na yi.


    Imiẹnfan sotọ nẹ;

    Jesu tota y’ẹkete nẹ.

    N’Arriọba deziẹn nẹ.

    Ma n’erhun’ nọ rre, we nọ rre!

(Vbe ya ghee Dan 2:34, 35; 2 Kọr 4:18.)