You Gave Your Precious Son

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You Gave Your Precious Son

(1 John 4:9)

  1. 1. Jehovah, dear Father,

    There seemed no hope for us.

    The ransom has given

    Hope to ev’ryone!

    We give our lives to you,

    Our best in all we do.

    And we’ll tell others too,

    That your will might be done.


    You gave your precious Son,

    And now we sing as one,

    A song we’ll sing forever,

    for giving us your precious Son.

  2.  2. Your kindness, your mercy,

    They draw us close to you.

    Your great name, your friendship,

    These we’ve come to love.

    But something more than this

    Is your most precious gift.

    He died that we might live.

    You sent him from above.


    You gave your precious Son,

    And now we sing as one,

    A song we’ll sing forever,

    for giving us your precious Son.


    Jehovah, dear Father, we pray in gratitude.

    We offer our thanks for giving us your precious Son.

(See also John 3:16; 15:13.)



U Ya Ovbuẹ Ne Ukpọmọkpa Zọ Ese Ne Ima

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
U Ya Ovbuẹ Ne Ukpọmọkpa Zọ Ese Ne Ima

(1 Jọn 4:9)

  1. 1. Jehova ne ’rha mwa,

    Ọgh’ima te fo nẹ.

    Izọese ọgh’Ovbuẹ

    Ẹr’ọ mi’ ’ma fan!

    Ma yegbe fiohan nuẹ,

    Ma y’ekhọe hia ga ruẹ.

    Ma kporhu maemwa hia,

    Ma keghi hẹnmwẹ nuẹ.


    Ukpọmọkpa nu mwẹ,

    U yae zọese n’ima.

    Ma wa y’ekhọe hia kpọnmwọ

    y’ẹse nọkhua nu ru n’ima.

  2.  2. Ma keghi hoẹmwẹ ruẹ,

    U wa mwẹ ’kh’itohan.

    U keghi wa y’obọ

    Nọ maan muima hia.

    Mai sẹtin san ruẹ ’se

    Y’izọese ọgh’Ovbuẹ.

    Ọ k’ẹrinmwi gha dee

    Do wu y’orukhọ mwa.


    Ukpọmọkpa nu mwẹ,

    U yae zọese n’ima.

    Ma wa y’ekhọe hia kpọnmwọ

    y’ẹse nọkhua nu ru n’ima.


    Jehova ne ’rha mwa, u ruẹse vbe ’gb’ima.

    Ma kpọnmwọ y’ẹse nọkhua na nu wa ru n’ima.

(Vbe ya ghee Jọn 3:16; 15:13.)