“I Want To”

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“I Want To”

(Luke 5:13)

  1. 1. Kind and patient, perfect in love,

    Was Christ, who came down from above.

    He took care of our needs

    With words and by deeds;

    He gave of his time and his love.

    He would keep the lowly in mind

    By healing the sick, deaf, and blind.

    To his royal commission he proved true

    And willingly said: “I want to.”

  2. 2. We now try to follow his way

    In all of our dealings each day.

    We are loving and kind

    To all whom we find;

    We help them to learn and obey.

    We respond to friends when in need;

    We love them in word and in deed.

    So if widows and orphans should ask you,

    Then readily say: “I want to.”



‘Ọ Yẹẹ Mwẹ’

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
‘Ọ Yẹẹ Mwẹ’

(Luk 5:13)

  1. 1. Ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekh’itohan,

    Ẹri Jesu Kristi wa khin.

    Ọ muẹmw’ima roro,

    Ọ mw’ahoẹmwọmwa;

    Ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekhọesi nọ.

    Ọkhọnmwọ ’kpa ghaa rrọọ vberriọ,

    Nọ wa fan fi ’guẹ gha rinmwiaẹn:

    ‘Lahọ degh’ọ yẹẹ ruẹ giegbe rran mwẹ.’

    Jesu na kha wẹẹ: ‘Ọ yẹẹ mwẹ.’

  2. 2. Gima gha yegbe tae Jesu.

    Gia y’ob’esi gha muemwa hia.

    Gima gha mwẹ ’tohan


    Gia gha t’ẹmw’Osa maemwa hia.

    Degh’ọtẹn n’obọ ma s’ọre

    Na diguẹ vbe gha rinmwian ruẹ:

    “Lahọ degh’ọ yẹẹ ruẹ ruiyobọ mẹ,”

    U khama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Ọ yẹẹ mwẹ.’

(Vbe ya ghee Jọn 18:37; Ẹfis 3:19; Fil 2:7.)