Christ, Our Model

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Christ, Our Model

(1 Peter 2:21)

  1. 1. What love Jehovah showed,

    What goodness from him flowed,

    When for all mankind he offered his Firstborn.

    Christ took on human form—

    The Son of man was born—

    By his example, God’s name he adorned.

  2. 2. Jehovah’s Word, he said,

    Sustained his life like bread.

    It gave him wisdom and knowledge and insight.

    His Father’s willing slave,

    A model Jesus gave;

    To please his Father would bring him delight.

  3. 3. Like Jesus, may our days

    Provide Jehovah praise,

    And may his footsteps become our own roadway.

    Let Jesus’ model be

    Our path eternally,

    And then God’s favor we’ll know day by day.



Ukpowẹ Ọghe Kristi Ẹre Ima Lele

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Ukpowẹ Ọghe Kristi Ẹre Ima Lele

(1 Pita 2:21)

  1. 1. Ma kpọnmw’e Jehova

    Y’ẹse nọ ru n’ima,

    Nọ na y’Ovbiẹre ya ruizọese n’ima.

    Gia yegbe tae Jesu—

    Nọ muegb’ẹre rriotọ—

    Ọ na gha di’agbọn nọ do mi’ ’ma fan.

  2. 2. Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn

    Ni Jesu wa gha tie

    Keghi rhi’ẹwaẹn nẹ, ọ vbe rhi’ ’rẹnmwi nẹ.

    Uhun’ ne ’rhae gi’ẹre,

    T’ọ wa y’ekhọe hia ruẹ;

    Gia lel’igiemwi n’irẹn rhie yotọ.

  3. 3. Ti Jesu wa rhie ’tian

    Ye ’ni ọghe ’rha mwa.

    Ọ khẹke n’ima wa gha z’owẹ lelẹe.

    Giuyinmwẹ ọgh’ima

    Gele wa rhiẹre ma

    Wi Jesu Kristi ma wa yegbe taa.

(Vbe ya ghee Jọn 8:29; Ẹfis 5:2; Fil 2:5-7.)