God’s Wondrous Works

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God’s Wondrous Works

(Psalm 139)

  1. 1. O God, you know my rest and waking,

    When I lie down and when I rise anew.

    You search my thoughts, my inmost inclination,

    The words I speak, the ways I walk,

    you know them too.

    You saw when I was made in secret,

    My very bones not hidden from your sight.

    You saw my form; its parts were down in writing.

    I love the wonder of your ways

    and praise your might.

    Your knowledge, God, is wondrous, awe-inspiring;

    Of this my soul is very well-aware.

    If I should fear that darkness might enfold me,

    Your spirit, God, would find me, even there.

    Where could I hide from you, Jehovah,

    Or be concealed, be hidden from your face?

    Not in the Grave nor in the highest heaven,

    Not in the dark nor in the sea;

    there is no place.



Iwinna Ọyunnua Ọghe Osanobua

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Iwinna Ọyunnua Ọghe Osanobua

(Psalm 139)

  1. 1. Osa ne ’rha mwẹ wẹ keghi rẹn

    Degh’I lovbiẹ, degh’I na vbe kpaegbe.

    U ghee ’khọe mwẹ; u rẹn ’mwi ni mu roro.

    Ẹmwẹ n’I ta, okhian n’I khian,

    u wa vbe rẹn.

    U bẹghe mwẹ vb’I rr’uw’akuọmọ;

    U keghi vbe mi’ugboloko mwẹ hia.

    Vben’I ya waan, ai khian sẹtin mi’otọre.

    I gha rhi’urhomwẹ nuẹ rhun’da

    u kpọlọ gbe.

    Iwinna ruẹ, ọgh’ọyunnua ẹre nọ;

    Mẹ keghi y’ekhọe hia gbọyẹmwẹ yọ.

    Adegh’I na dobọ gha rr’uw’ebiebi,

    Te Nọyaenmwẹ khian wa ye bẹghe mwẹ.

    Mẹi khian sẹtin lẹẹ ne Jehova;

    De ’he nọkhin n’I khian ghi lẹẹ gha rrie?

    Ọ gha miẹn mwẹ vb’I gha lẹre y’uw’ẹzẹ;

    Ai mi’ek’ọkpa n’imẹ khian sẹtin

    lẹẹ gha rrie.

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 66:3; 94:19; Jer 17:10.)