Return to “the Shepherd and Overseer of Your Souls”

Return to “the Shepherd and Overseer of Your Souls”

Were you able to relate to one or more of the challenges discussed in this brochure? If so, you are in good company. Many faithful servants of God—both in Bible times and in our day—have dealt with similar challenges. Just as they received help from Jehovah to overcome such challenges, so can you.

Jehovah will be there for you as you return to him

 BE ASSURED that Jehovah will be there for you as you return to him. He will help you to deal with anxiety, to resolve hurt feelings, and to find the peace of mind and heart that comes from having a clean conscience. Then you may once again feel moved to serve Jehovah along with fellow worshippers. Your situation will be similar to that of some first-century Christians, to whom the apostle Peter wrote: “You were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls.”1 Peter 2:25.

Returning to Jehovah is absolutely the best thing you can do. Why? You will bring joy to Jehovah’s heart. (Proverbs 27:11) As you know, Jehovah has feelings, so our actions affect him. Of course, Jehovah does not force us to love and serve him. (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20) One Bible scholar put it this way: “There is no handle on the outside of the door of the human heart. It must be opened from within.” By worshipping Jehovah out of a heart full of love, we can choose to open that door. When we do so, we give him a precious gift—our integrity—and we bring tremendous joy to his heart. Really, nothing can compare to the happiness we experience from giving Jehovah the worship he deserves.Acts 20:35; Revelation 4:11.

Moreover, when you resume your Christian worship, your spiritual need will be filled. (Matthew 5:3) In what way? People around the world wonder, ‘Why are we here?’ They hunger for answers to questions about the purpose of life. Humans have that need because Jehovah created them with it. He designed us to find fulfillment in serving him. We can have no greater satisfaction than that which comes from knowing that we are worshipping Jehovah out of love.Psalm 63:1-5.

Please know that Jehovah wants you to return to him. How can you be sure? Consider: With much prayer, this brochure was carefully prepared. It was brought to your attention, perhaps by a Christian elder or another fellow believer. Then you were moved to read it and respond to its message. All of this is proof that Jehovah has not forgotten you. On the contrary, he is gently drawing you back to him.John 6:44.

We can gain comfort from knowing that Jehovah never forgets his lost servants. That is what a sister named Donna came to appreciate. She said: I had slowly drifted away from the truth, but I often found myself reflecting on Psalm 139:23, 24, which says: ‘Search through me, O God, and know my heart. Examine me, and know my anxious thoughts. See whether there is in me any harmful way, and lead me in the way of eternity.’ I knew that I didn’t belong in the world—I never really fit in there—and I knew that Jehovah’s organization was where I needed to be. I began to see that Jehovah never left me; I just needed to find my way back to him. And I’m so happy that I did!”

“I began to see that Jehovah never left me; I just needed to find my way back to him”

It is our sincere prayer that you too will experience once again “the joy of Jehovah.” (Nehemiah 8:10) You will never regret returning to Jehovah.

 ABỌ 5

Werriegbe Bu ‘Ọsuohuan Kevbe Nọ Gbaroghe Arrọọ Ọghe Uwa Gha Dee’

Werriegbe Bu ‘Ọsuohuan Kevbe Nọ Gbaroghe Arrọọ Ọghe Uwa Gha Dee’

Uwẹ he ka werrie aro daa ọkpa ra eso vbuwe avbe isievẹn na guan kaan vbe ebe ẹmu na ra? Adeghe erriọ nọ, ẹi re uwẹ ọkpa. Eguọmwadia Osanobua nibun ni mwẹ imudiase—ke ni ghaa rrọọ vbe ẹghẹ na ya gbẹn e Baibol kevbe ni rrọọ vbe ẹghẹ na ye na—ka vbe gu ẹre suan nẹ, ighẹ egbe avbe isievẹn vberriọ. Uwẹ gha vbe miẹn egbe iyobọ ne iran vbe miẹn vbe obọ e Jehova, nọ zẹ ighẹ iran sẹtin lae gberra ighẹ avbe isievẹn ne iran werrie aro daa.

E Jehova gha miẹn ruẹ yi vbe u gha werriegbe bu irẹn gha dee

 GHA mwẹ ọnrẹn vbe ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ, e Jehova gha miẹn ruẹ yi vbe u gha werriegbe bu irẹn gha dee. Ọ gha ru iyobọ nuẹ ya sẹtin gu osi suan, nu ya sẹtin sọfurre ye emwi nọ ye ekhọe ruẹ rriara kevbe nu ya gha mwẹ ekhọe ọguọmwa ziro nọhuanrẹn nọ gha ye orhiọn ruẹ sotọ. U ghi werriegbe do gha mwẹ aguakpa nu ya deba etẹn gha ga e Jehova. Ẹghẹ nii, u ghi do yevbe na ghe Ivbiotu e Kristi eso ni ghaa rrọọ vbe orre nokaro, ne ukọ e Pita gbẹn gie wẹẹ: ‘Uwa te yevbe na ghe avbe ohuan ni bibi odẹ, sokpan nia, uwa werriegbe bu ne ọsuohuan kevbe nọ gbaroghe arrọọ ọghe uwa gha dee nẹ.’—1 Pita 2:25.

Nu werriegbe bu e Jehova gha dee, keghi re emwi nọ ghi wa maan sẹ nu gha ru. Vbọzẹ? U gha ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova. (Itan 27:11) Zẹvbe nu rẹnrẹn, Jehova keghi mwẹ ọgiọgiọ ekhọe, rhunmwuda ọni, uyinmwẹ ọghe ima keghi dekaan irẹn. Vbene ẹmwata, e Jehova i mu ima egbe kpan yọ nima hoẹmwẹ irẹn kevbe nima vbe ga irẹn. (Diuteronomi 30:19, 20) Okpia ọkpa nọ rhie egie ebe vbe iruẹmwi e Baibol keghi khaa wẹẹ: “Ọmwa rhọkpa i sẹtin kie ẹkokodu ruẹ nuẹ. Uwẹ ẹre ọ khian tobọ ruẹ kie ẹre.” Ima gha sẹtin zẹ ne ima kie ẹkokoudu ọghe ima rua, lekpae na gha ga e Jehova vbuwe ekhọe nọ vuọn ne ahoẹmwọmwa. Ima gha ru vberriọ, emwi nọ ghaan ẹre ima rhie ne irẹn—ọni ọre imudiase ọghe ima—ọna gha ye ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn irẹn ẹsẹsẹmwẹse. Gelegele, emwi ọkpa i rrọọ na ya gie oghọghọ nima miẹn, vbe a gha rhie ugamwẹ nọ khẹke ne Jehova.—Iwinna 20:35; Arhie Maan 4:11.

Yevbesọni, u gha werriegbe suẹn ugamwẹ ọghuẹ zẹvbe Ovbiotu e Kristi, ẹko ẹre gha vuọn ruẹ ighẹ evbare orhiọn nọ khọn ruẹ. (Matiu 5:3) De odẹ nọkhin? Ọ keghi kpa emwa odin vbe otagbọn hia, ighẹ evbọzẹ ne ima na rre agbọn na. Iran keghi gualọ ewanniẹ ọghe avbe inọta nọ dekaan evbọzẹ ne Osanobua na yi emwa nagbọn. Emwa nagbọn keghi gualotọ egbe emwi vberriọ rhunmwuda wẹẹ, egbe ekhọe vberriọ ẹre Jehova ya yi iran. Te Irẹn yi ima ne ima gha mwẹ oghọghọ kevbe isọkẹn zẹvbe ne ima ya ga irẹn. Emwi ọkpa i rrọọ ne a ya gie isọkẹn ne ima mwẹ, rhunmwuda ne ima na rẹn wẹẹ ima ye ekhọe ahoẹmwọmwa ga e Jehova.Psalm 63:1-5.

Lahọ, gha mwẹ ọnrẹn vbe ekhọe wẹẹ, Jehova hoo nu werriegbe bu irẹn gha dee. Vbua khian ya gele rẹn hẹ? Muẹn roro: Te ima fẹko gbẹn ebe ẹmu na, vbene ima na muẹn ye erhunmwu ẹsẹsẹmwẹse. Ọ gha kẹ, ọkpa vbe ediọn vbe iko ra ọtẹn ọvbehe ẹre ọ rhie ẹre guẹ nu tie ẹre. Ẹre egbe na ghi gua ruẹ kpa, nu tie ẹre kevbe nu ze owẹ lele igiuhun nọ rrọọ. Ena hia keghi re osẹ nọ rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, e Jehova ma he miamia ruẹ. Nọghayayerriọ, irẹn keghi fẹko si uwẹ kẹ egbe.—Jọn 6:44.

Ima gha sẹtin gha mwẹ ifuẹko lekpae ne ima na rẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova i miamia eguọmwadia ọghẹe ni wiri hiehie. Ọni ọre emwi ne ọtẹn nokhuo ọkpa na tie ẹre Donna do rẹn otọre. Irẹn keghi kha wẹẹ: “kherhe kherhe ẹre I ya wio fua hin otu ọghe Jehova rre, sokpan ẹghẹ hia ẹre I ya gha roro kan ẹmwẹ nọ rre ebe Psalm 139:23, 24, nọ khare wẹẹ: ‘Gualotọ mwẹ Eo Osanobua, ne u rẹn vbene ekhọe mwẹ ye hẹ. Zanzan ekhọe mwẹ ghee nu rẹn emwi nọ da mwẹ vbe orhiọn. Gualotọ ẹre miẹn, deghe iro dan rrọọ mwẹ ekhọe, kevbe su mwẹ la odẹ ọghe etẹbitẹ.’ I rẹnrẹn wẹẹ mẹ i re ọkpa vbe ne agbọn—ọ ma mwẹ ẹghẹ ọkpa ne evba ya gua mwẹ egbe ro—I wa vbe rẹn wẹẹ otu ọghe Jehova ẹre ọ khẹke ne I gha ye. I na ghi do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ Jehova ma sẹ mwẹ rae hiehie; ne I werriegbe bu ẹre gha dee, ẹre ọre emwi nọ khẹke ne I ru. I wa ghọghọ wẹẹ I ru vberriọ!”

“I na ghi do ḅeghe ẹre wẹẹ Jehova ma sẹ mwẹ rae hiehie; Ne I werriegbe bu ẹre gha dee, ọre emwi nọ khẹke ne I ru”

Erhunmwu ne ima ya ekhọe hia na, ọre nọ wẹẹ, nu werriegbe do gha mwẹ ‘ọyẹnmwẹ ọghe Jehova.’ (Nehimaia 8:10) Uwẹ i khian gbe ima rẹn hiehie wẹẹ, u werriegbe bu e Jehova gha dee.