“After 25 years of marriage, my husband and I got divorced. My children left the truth. I developed several serious health problems. Then I became depressed. I felt that my whole world had fallen in on me and that I couldn’t cope with anything anymore. I stopped going to the meetings, and I became inactive.”—June.
ANXIETY touches everyone—even God’s people. “Anxieties overwhelmed me,” wrote the psalmist. (Psalm 94:19) And Jesus said that during the time of the end, “anxieties of life” could make it especially challenging to serve Jehovah. (Luke 21:34) What about you? Do you feel overwhelmed by financial troubles, family problems, or health concerns? How can Jehovah help you to cope?
“Power Beyond What Is Normal”
We cannot deal with anxiety on our own. “We are hard-pressed in every way,” the apostle Paul wrote. “We are perplexed . . . ; we are knocked down.” Yet, he also said that we are “not cramped beyond movement,” “not absolutely with no way out,” and “not destroyed.” What helps us to endure? “Power beyond what is normal”—power that comes from our almighty God, Jehovah.—2 Corinthians 4:7-9.
Reflect on how you received “power beyond what is normal” in the past. Do you remember how an encouraging talk deepened your appreciation for Jehovah’s loyal love? Did your faith in Jehovah’s promises grow stronger when you taught others about the hope of Paradise? When we attend Christian meetings and share our faith with others, we receive strength to endure the anxieties of life and we gain peace of mind so that we can serve Jehovah with joy.
“Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good”
Realistically, you may feel pulled in many directions at once. For example, Jehovah asks us to seek first the Kingdom and to maintain a routine of spiritual activity. (Matthew 6:33; Luke 13:24) Yet, what if opposition, poor health, or family problems have drained you physically? Or what if your secular work claims the time and energy you would otherwise spend with the congregation? Faced with so many demands—and too little time and energy to handle them—you may feel overwhelmed. Perhaps you have even wondered whether Jehovah expects too much from you.
Jehovah is understanding. He never expects more from us than we can give. And he recognizes that it takes time for us to recover from physical and emotional stress.—Psalm 103:13, 14.
Consider, for example, how Jehovah cared for the prophet Elijah. When Elijah became so discouraged and fearful that he ran away to the wilderness, did Jehovah reprimand the prophet and order him back to his assignment? No. Jehovah twice sent an angel to wake Elijah up gently and to give him food to eat. Even so, 40 days later, Elijah was still anxious and fearful. What else did Jehovah do to help him? First, Jehovah demonstrated that he could protect him. Second, Jehovah comforted Elijah with “a calm, low voice.” Finally, Jehovah revealed that there were thousands of others who were faithfully worshipping God. Soon, Elijah was again active as a zealous prophet. (1 Kings 19:1-19) The lesson? When Elijah was overcome by anxiety, Jehovah treated him with patience and compassion. Jehovah has not changed. He cares for us in much the same way.
When you think about what you can give to Jehovah, be realistic. Do not compare what you can do today with what you used to do. To illustrate: A runner who stops training for several months or years cannot resume his former routine right away. Rather, he begins by setting small goals that build strength and endurance. Christians are like runners. They train with a clear goal in mind. (1 Corinthians 9:24-27) Why not pursue one spiritual goal that seems most attainable for you right now? For example, you might set the goal of attending a congregation meeting. Ask Jehovah to help you to reach your goal. As you regain spiritual strength, you will “taste and see that Jehovah is good.” (Psalm 34:8) Remember that anything you do to demonstrate your love for Jehovah—no matter how small it may seem—is precious to him.—Luke 21:1-4.
Jehovah never expects more from us than we can give
“The Boost I Had Been Waiting For”
How did Jehovah empower June to return to him? She tells us: “I kept praying to Jehovah, asking him to help me. Then my daughter-in-law told me about an assembly in my town. I decided to attend one day of the assembly. What a wonderful feeling it was to be back with Jehovah’s people! That assembly was the boost I had been waiting for. Now I am joyfully serving Jehovah again. Life has so much more meaning for me. More than ever, I know that I cannot isolate myself or go it alone. I am thankful that there was still time for me to come back.”
“Vbe iyeke ukpo 25 vbe imẹ vbe ọdafẹn mwẹ ru orọnmwẹ nẹ, ma keghi sọọ ebe orọnmwẹ rua. Ivbi mwẹ na ghi kpa hiẹn iko ọghe Jehova rre. I na do mu emiamwẹ ni wegbe nibun. Iro na ghi wa han mwẹ. Ọ na yevbe na miẹn wẹẹ, ẹi re agbọn imẹ ghi ye, I ma ghi sẹtin mwẹ iziengbe. I na ghi hẹwẹ vbe iko na yo, ẹre I na ghi do worua vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn.”—June.
OSI keghi si emwa hia—ya sẹ egbe emwa ọghe Osanobua. ọsihuan keghi gbẹn wẹẹ, ‘osi te gbe mwẹ uan.’ (Psalm 94:19) Jesu vbe kha wẹẹ, vbe ẹghẹ okiekie ẹdẹ, “osi ẹmwẹ agbọn” i khian gi emwa bẹghe odẹ ya ga e Jehova. (Luk 21:34) Uwẹ vbe vbo? Te iro ghi han ruẹ ra, rhunmwuda usẹ igho, ọlọghọmwa ọghe ẹgbẹe, ra emiamwẹ ra? De vbene Jehova khian ya ru iyobọ nuẹ hẹ ya sẹtin gu avbe ọlọghọmwa na loo?
‘Ẹtin Nọ Sẹ Ẹtin’
Ima i mwẹ ẹtin obọ ima na ya gu osi suan. Ukọ Pọl gbẹn wẹẹ, ‘Ọlọghọmwa gba ima aro gba ima iyeke.’ ‘Emwi hia sunsun ye ima aro . . . ; a kuan ima ose yotọ.’ Ọrheyerriọ, ọ vbe kha wẹẹ, ‘a ma degbe ima odẹ ne ima ghẹ sẹtin ze obọ ze owẹ,’ ‘iro ma han ima’ kevbe wẹẹ, ‘a ma miẹn ima uhunmwu.’ De emwi nọ ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha mwẹ iziengbe? Ọ keghi re ‘ẹtin nọ sẹ ẹtin’—ọni ọre ẹtin nọ ke obọ Osanobua ne Jehova nọ re Osa ne udazi ọghomwa rre.—2 Kọrinti 4:7-9.
Muẹn roro vbene u ya miẹn ‘ẹtin nọ sẹ ẹtin’ hẹ vbe ẹghẹ nọ gberra. U yerre vbene ọta nọ rhie igiọdu ne ọmwa ya ru iyobọ nuẹ hẹ, ya gbọyẹmwẹ yọ sayọ ighẹ ahoẹmwọmwa nẹi beghe ọghe Jehova ra? Amuẹtinyan ọghuẹ daa avbe eyan ọghe Jehova wegbe sayọ vbe ẹghẹ ne u na gha ma emwa emwi, vbekpa ayayẹro ọghe Paradais ra? Vbe ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne ima ya yo iko kevbe ima na vbe gu emwa guan vbekpa emwi ne ima mu ẹtin yan, ẹrhiọn keghi la ima iwu ne ima ya sẹtin ziengbe osi ọghe ẹmwẹ agbọn, kevbe orhiọn ọghe ima ghi vbe sotọ, ne ima mieke na sẹtin ga e Jehova vbuwe ọyẹnmwẹ.
‘Danmwẹ Ọnrẹn Ghe Kevbe Nu Bẹghe Vbene Jehova Maan hẹ’
Vbene ẹmwata, u sẹtin do gha roro wẹẹ, te a wa zẹẹ yan ruẹ. Vbe igiemwi, e Jehova khama ima ne ima mue ne Arriọba ye okaro, kevbe na gha lelẹe vbe ẹghẹ hia, emwamwa ọghe iwinna ugamwẹ ọghe Osanobua. (Matiu 6:33; Luk 13:24) Ọrheyerriọ, deghẹ ukpokpo, emiamwẹ, ra ọlọghọmwa ọghe ẹgbẹe wa wiẹn ruẹ ginna otọ vbo? Ra iwinna ruẹ miẹn ruẹ ẹghẹ kevbe ẹtin nọ te khẹke nu ya ru ọghe iko vbo? Adeghẹ emwi na wa gba otọ gba ukhunmwu nu gha ru —sokpan ẹghẹ kevbe ẹtin nu mwẹ i khian suẹ ya ruẹ—iro sẹtin wa han ruẹ. Ọ gha kẹ, u kue gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, emwi ne Jehova gualọ vbe obọ ruẹ bun gbe.
E Jehova keghi mwẹ amuroro. Ẹi mwẹ ẹghẹ ọkpa ne irẹn ya yaro yọ vbe obọ ima ighẹ emwi ne ima i khian sẹtin rhie ladian. Irẹn vbe rẹn wẹẹ, ọ gha rhie ẹghẹ a te miẹn wẹẹ, ima miẹn uhunmwu vbe orhikhan ọghe ekhọe kevbe ọghe ikpakpa.—Psalm 103:13, 14.
Vbe igiemwi, muẹn roro, vbene Jehova ya gbaroghe Ẹlaija ne akhasẹ hẹ. Vbe ẹghẹ ne Ẹlaija ya lẹẹ gha rrie ato rhunmwuda ohanmumwẹ kevbe egbewọmwẹ, e Jehova gu ẹre gui ra, kevbe ọ yaa re, nọ werriegbe ya suẹn iwinna rẹn ra? Ẹn o. Igbava ẹre Jehova gie odibo bu Ẹlaija nọ ya fẹko huẹn ọnrẹn kevbe nọ rhie evbare nẹ. Uhiẹn vbe iyeke ikpẹdẹ 40 vbe Jehova ru ọni nẹ, Ẹlaija na ye gha si osi, kevbe ohan na ye gha muẹn. De emwi ọvbehe ne Jehova ru nọ ya ru iyobọ nẹ? Vbe okaro, e Jehova keghi rhiẹre ma wẹẹ irẹn gha sẹtin gbogba ga re. Ukpogieva, e Jehova keghi loo “ovbi urhu ne rọkhọ” ya fu ẹre ẹko rre. Vbe okiekie, e Jehova keghi giẹ rẹn wẹẹ, emwa arriasẹn nibun ọvbehe rrọọ ni ye ẹkoata ga Osanobua. Vbe ọ ma ghi kpẹẹ vba, Ẹlaija na werriegbe suẹn gha zọghae vbuwe iwinna akhasẹ. (1 Ọba 19:1-19) De iruẹmwi nọ ladian vbọ? Vbe ẹghẹ ne ẹtin ya fo Ẹlaija rhunmwuda osi, e Jehova keghi ye obọ ẹnina muẹn, kevbe ọ na mwẹ iziengbe vbe egbe ẹre. E Jehova ma he fiwerriẹ. Ọ wa ye gbaroghe ima vbe odẹ vberriọ.
Emwi nu rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, u gha sẹtin ru vbe ugamwẹ ọghe Jehova ẹre ọ khẹke nu gha mu roro. Ghẹ ye emwi nu gha sẹtin ru vbe ẹghẹ na nia, ya gie emwi nu te gha ru vbe ẹghẹ nọ gberra. Vbe igiemwi: Ọmwa nọ rhulẹ ọghe osuan, nọ ghi hẹwẹ vbe ulẹ nọ ya muegbe yotọ vbe inu uki ra ukpo nọkhin, i khian wa ye uhukpa werriegbe suẹn iku isasegbe nii, nọ ka ru dee yi. Nọghayayerriọ, ọ suẹn gha fian okhuo ne kherhe kherhe ne egbe ẹre, nọ ya gha koko ẹtin kevbe iziengbe. Ivbiotu e Kristi keghi yevbe emwa ni rhulẹ. Iran keghi muegbe yotọ vbene iran na mwẹ evba kọnrẹn ne iran rhie aro tua. (1 Kọrinti 9:24-27) Vbọzẹ ne u ma na wa khu ẹre, ighẹ evba kọnrẹn ọkpa ọghe orhiọn ne obọ ruẹ gha sẹtin wa rherhe vba, vbe ẹghẹ na nia? Vbe igiemwi, u sẹtin fian okhuo ne egbuẹ, ọghe na suẹn gha yo ọkpa vbe iko na do. Nọ e Jehova vbe erhunnwu nọ ru iyobọ nuẹ nu sẹtin musọe vbe nọ dekaan evba kọnrẹn ọghuẹ. Zẹvbe ne ẹrhiọn werriegbe ya la ruẹ iwu vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, u ghi do ‘danmwẹ ọnrẹn ghe kevbe nu bẹghe vbene Jehova maan hẹ.’ (Psalm 34:8) Yerre wẹẹ, emwi ke emwi nu ru, ne u ya rhiẹre ma ahoẹmwọmwa ọghuẹ daa e Jehova—ẹi mwẹ vbene ọ gha kherhe sẹ hẹ—aro nọ ghaan ẹre ọ khian ya ghee ẹre.—Luk 21:1-4.
Ẹi mwẹ ẹghẹ ọkpa ne Jehova ya yaro yọ vbe obọ ima ighẹ emwi ne ima i khian sẹtin rhie ladian
“Aguakpa Ne I Wa Khẹ Ke Ẹdọ Gha Dee”
De vbene e Jehova ya ru iyobọ ne June hẹ ya werriegbe bu irẹn gha dee? Irẹn tama ima wẹẹ: “I na gha na erhunmwu gie Jehova vbe ẹghẹ hia, I na gha rinmwiaẹn nọ ru iyobọ mẹ. Vbe uwe asẹ nii, amwẹ ovbi mwẹ na gu mwẹ guan vbekpa asikoko ọkpa na khian doo vbe ẹvbo ni ye. I na tamuolọyan rẹn ne I yo ẹdẹ ọkpa vbe ne asikoko. U miẹn vbene ẹko sẹ mwẹ ọyẹnmwẹ hẹ, ne I na werriegbe bu emwa ọghe Jehova gha dee! Asikoko nii, keghi wa gha re aguakpa ne I wa khẹ ke ẹdọ gha dee. Nia, I werriegbe ga e Jehova nẹ vbuwe ọyẹnmwẹ. Te arrọọ mwẹ ghi wa mwẹ evbọ demu sayọ. Eban imẹ rẹn vbene ọ ru ekpataki sẹ hẹ ne I gha rre uwe ẹbu etẹn mwẹ, kevbe ne I ghẹ zẹ egbe mwẹ hiẹn usun rre. I wa ghọghọ wẹẹ, ọ ye kẹ mwẹ ya werriegbe gha dee.”