How Can You Have a Happy Family Life?

How Can You Have a Happy Family Life?

Love is the key to happy families. Ephesians 5:33

God’s standard is that marriage should be between one man and one woman.

A loving husband treats his wife with tenderness and understanding.

A wife should cooperate with her husband.

Children should obey their parents.

 Be kind and faithful, not cruel and unfaithful. Colossians 3:5, 8-10

God’s Word says that a husband should love his wife as his own body and that a wife should have deep respect for her husband.

Sex outside the marriage arrangement is wrong. Polygamy is also wrong.

Jehovah’s Word teaches families how to be happy.

 ABỌ 12

De Vbene U Gha Ya Sẹtin Mwẹ Arrọọ Oghọghọ Ọghe Ẹgbẹe Hẹ?

De Vbene U Gha Ya Sẹtin Mwẹ Arrọọ Oghọghọ Ọghe Ẹgbẹe Hẹ?

Ahoẹmwọmwa keghi re isanhẹn ne oghọghọ avbe ẹgbẹe. Ẹfisọs 5:33

Ilele ọghe Osanobua keghi re ne orọnmwẹ gha rre ẹkpo okpia ọkpa kevbe okhuo ọkpa.

Ọdọ nọ mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa keghi ye obọ mu amwẹ ọnrẹn tetete kevbe arẹn otọemwi.

Te amwẹ ghi vbe ku obọ gbe ba ọdọ ẹre.

Te emọ gha họẹnmwẹ ne evbibiran.

 Gha re nọ fu kevbe na mu ẹtin yan, ẹi re ekhọe atosi kevbe nai gbaẹko ẹre. Kọlose 3:5, 8-10

Ẹmwẹ ọghe Osanobua keghi tae ne ọdọ gha hoẹmwẹ amwẹ ọnrẹn zẹvbe egbe ẹre kevbe ne amwẹ gha rhie ọghọ nọ dinmwi ne ọdọ ẹre.

Ẹgẹn nọ kpao hin emwamwa orọnmwẹ rre keghi re nọ magba. Orọnmwẹ nọ gberra ọkpa keghi vbe re nọ magba

Ẹmwẹ ọghe e Jehova keghi vbe ma avbe ẹgbẹe re vbene a ya miẹn oghọghọ hẹ.