What Does the Death of Jesus Mean for You?

What Does the Death of Jesus Mean for You?

Jesus died so that we might live. John 3:16

Three days after Jesus died, some women visited his tomb and found it empty. Jehovah had raised Jesus from the dead.

Jesus later appeared to his apostles.

Yes, Jehovah had resurrected Jesus to life as a powerful, immortal spirit creature. Jesus’ disciples saw him go up to heaven.

 God resurrected Jesus and made him King of God’s Kingdom. Daniel 7:13, 14

Jesus gave up his life to pay a ransom for mankind. (Matthew 20:28) By means of that ransom, God makes it possible for us to live forever.

Jehovah appointed Jesus as King to rule over the earth. With him will be 144,000 faithful people who are resurrected from the earth to life in heaven. Jesus and the 144,000 form a righteous heavenly government​—God’s Kingdom.​—Revelation 14:1-3.

God’s Kingdom will make the earth a paradise. War, crime, poverty, and hunger will be no more. People will be truly happy.​—Psalm 145:16.

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De Emwi Ne Uwu ọghe E Jesu Khin Ne Uwẹ?

De Emwi Ne Uwu ọghe E Jesu Khin Ne Uwẹ?

E Jesu keghi wu ne ima mieke na gha rrọọ. Jọn 3:16

Ikpẹdẹ eha vbe iyeke uwu ọghe e Jesu, ikhuo eso keghi mu okhian sẹ idin ọghẹe vbene ọ na ye hoto. E Jehova huẹn e Jesu kpaegbe nẹ vbe uwu.

E Jesu keghi ye okiekie rhiegbe ma avbe ukọ ọghẹe.

Ẹn, e Jehova rhie arhiọkpaegbe ne e Jesu nọ gha die arrọọ zẹvbe evbayi ọmọ orhiọn nẹi wu, nọ mwẹ ẹtin. Avbe erhuaengbe ọghe e Jesu bẹghe irẹn vbe ọ hin gha rrie ẹrinmwi.

 Osanobua huẹn e Jesu kpaegbe ọ keghi ye irẹn ma Ọba ọghe Arriọba Osanobua. Daniẹl 7:13, 14

E Jesu keghi rhie arọọ ọghẹe ya ha osa ye adẹwerriegbe ne uniẹn emwa nagbọn. (Matiu 20:28) Lekpae ne adẹwerriegbe nii, Osanobua keghi yae khin evbọ giaru nima ne a gha rrọọ ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ.

E Jehova keghi zẹ e Jesu zẹvbe Ọba nọ do kha yan uhun otagbọn. Deba irẹn keghi re 144,000 emwa amuẹtinyan na gha huẹn kpaegbe vbe uhun otagbọn gha rrie arrọọ vbe ẹrinmwi. E Jesu kevbe ne 144,000 keghi re na ya bu arriọba imudiaẹse ọghe ẹrinmwi. Arriọba nii keghi re na tiẹre Arriọba ọghe Osanobua.—Arhiema 14:1-3.

Arriọba ọghe Osanobua gha ye uhun otagbọn khien e paradais. Okuo, uyinmwẹ ikpata vbe izigan, ogue, kevbe ohanmwẹ i khian gha rrọọ ọvbehe. Emwa gha re nọ ghi gele ghọghọ.Psalm 145:16.