Jehovah showed Adam and Eve one fruit tree in the garden and told them that if they ate from it, they would die.
One of the angels rebelled against God. That wicked angel is Satan the Devil.
Satan did not want Adam and Eve to obey Jehovah. So he used a serpent to tell Eve that if she ate the fruit from that tree, she would not die, but she would be like God. Of course, that was a lie.—Genesis 3:1-5.
Our world is full of beauty. It is placed at just the right distance from the sun, it is tilted at just the right angle, and it rotates at just the right speed. Why did God put so much effort into making the earth?
E Jehova keghi viọ ne Adam kevbe Ivi avbe emwi esi nibun. Gẹnẹsis 1:28
E Jehova keghi yi okhuo nokaro, Ivi, kevbe ọ rhie ẹre ne Adam nọ gha re amwẹ ọnrẹn. —Gẹnẹsis 2:21, 22.
E Jehova keghi yi iran ye avbe ekhọe kẹ kevbe egbe nọgbae, nẹi mwẹ okan rhọkpa.
Ehe ni iran ye kegha re ogba ọghe Idẹn —e Paradais nọ mose ẹsẹsẹmwẹse nọ mwẹ ẹzẹ deba avbe erhan ni mọ ọmọ kevbe aranmwẹ.
E Jehova keghi gu iran guan; ọ keghi ma iran emwi. Adeghẹ iran na danmwehọ ọre, iran khian gha rrọọ ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ vbe e Paradais uhun otagbọn.
Osanobua keghi tae nẹ ghẹ re vbe ọkpa vbuwe avbe ne erhan. Gẹnẹsis 2:16, 17
E Jehova keghi rhiẹre ma Adam kevbe Ivi ọmọ erhan ọkpa vbuwe ne ogba ọ keghi tama iran wẹ adeghẹ iran na re vbọọ, iran gha wu.
Ọkpa vbuwe edibosa keghi sọtẹ ghe Osanobua. Odibosa ni keghi re e Setan ne Esu.
E Setan ma hoo ne Adam kevbe Ivi hoẹnmwẹ ne e Jehova. Rhunmwudọni ọ keghi loo ẹyẹn nọ tama Ivi wẹẹ adeghẹ ọ na re vbe ne ọmọ erhan, irẹn i khian wu, sokpan ọ ghi do gha yevbe Osanobua. Ọni kegha re ohoghe.—Gẹnẹsis 3:1-5.