PART 1 How Do We Listen to God?God speaks to us through the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:16The true God directed men to write down his thoughts in one sacred book. That book is the Bible. It contains important information that God wants you to know. God knows what is best for us, and he is the Source of all wisdom. By listening to him, you will become truly wise.—Proverbs 1:5. God wants everyone on earth to read the Bible. It is now available in many languages. If you want to listen to God, you must read and understand the Bible. People everywhere are listening. Matthew 28:19Jehovah’s Witnesses can help you understand the Bible. In all the earth, they teach the truth about God. You do not have to pay anything for this instruction. You can also learn about God at the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. |
ABỌ 1 De Vbene Ima Ya Danmwehọ Osanobua Hẹ?Osanobua keghi gu ima guan luwe ne e Baibol. 2 Timoti 3:16Osanobua ẹmwata keghi dia ikpia ya gbẹnnẹ yotọ avbe iziro ọghẹe ye uwu ebe ọkpa nọhuanrẹn. Ebe nii keghi re e Baibol. Ọ keghi mwẹ ayahọmwaehọ nọhiunsi ne Osanobua hoo ne uwẹ rẹn. Osanobua rẹn emwi nọmasẹ nima ọ keghi re Ẹzi ọghe ẹwaẹn hia fẹẹrẹ. Lekpae na gha danmwehọ ẹre, uwẹ do gha re nọ gele mwẹ ẹwaẹn. Osanobua keghi hoo ne emwa hia ni rre agbọn gha tie ne e Baibol. Ọ keghi re ne a gha miẹn vbe urhuẹvbo nọbun. Adeghẹ u hoo ne u danmwehọ Osanobua, te u gha tie kevbe nu rẹn otọre ne e Baibol. Emwa vbe ehe hia keghi danmwehọ. Matiu 28:19Avbe Osẹe e Jehova gha sẹtin ru iyobọ nuẹn ya rẹn otọe ne e Baibol. Iran keghi ma emwa ẹre ne ẹmwata vbekpae Osanobua vbe uhun otagbọn fẹẹrẹ. Uwẹ i khian ha osa rhọkpa ye imamwaemwi na. U gha sẹtin vbe ruẹ vbekpae Osanobua vbe Ọgua Arriọba ọghe avbe Osẹe Jehovavbe ẹdogbo ọwuẹ. |