LESSON 102 The Revelation to JohnWhile the apostle John was a prisoner on the island of Patmos, Jesus showed him a series of 16 visions, or pictures, of the future. These visions revealed how Jehovah’s name would be sanctified, his Kingdom would come, and his will would take place on earth as in heaven. In one vision, John sees Jehovah on his glorious throne in heaven, surrounded by 24 elders in white clothes and on their heads are golden crowns. Flashes of lightning and sounds of thunder come from the throne. The 24 elders bow down before Jehovah and worship him. In another vision, John sees a great crowd from all nations, peoples, and languages who worship Jehovah. The Lamb, who is Jesus, shepherds them and takes them to waters of life. Later, in another vision, Jesus begins to rule as King in heaven, along with the 24 elders. In the following vision, John sees Jesus battle the dragon, who is Satan, and his demons. Jesus throws them out of heaven, down to the earth. Then John sees a beautiful picture of the Lamb and the 144,000 standing on Mount Zion. He also sees an angel flying around the earth, telling people to fear God and give Him glory. In the next vision, the war of Armageddon is fought. During that war, Jesus and his army conquer Satan’s evil system. In the last vision, John sees perfect harmony in the heavens and on the earth. Satan and his offspring are completely destroyed. Everyone in heaven and on earth treats Jehovah’s name as holy and worships only him. “I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head, and you will strike him in the heel.”—Genesis 3:15 |
IRUẸMWI 102 Umian Ne Jọn MiẹnVbe Jọn ghi rre eghan vbe otọ ne amẹ gbodin lẹga ọghe Patmọs, Jesu keghi mu umian 16 ọghe emwi nọ khian sunu vbe odaro ma rẹn. Avbe umian na, ya ima rẹn vbene a khian ya ye eni e Jehova khian nọhuanrẹn hẹ, vbene Arriọba Osanobua khian ya rre hẹ kevbe vbene a khian ya gha ru ahoo ọghẹe hẹ vbe agbọn na zẹvbe ne a ru ẹre vbe ẹrinmwi. Vbe umian ọkpa ne Jọn miẹn, ọ keghi bẹghe ẹkete ọghe Jehova vbe ẹrinmwi. Ọ na vbe bẹghe ediọn 24 ni yọ ẹwu nọfua kevbe ni mu ẹrhu ẹde igoru rhuẹ. Ediọn 24 nii keghi tota lẹga ẹkete ọghe Jehova. Awanwan kevbe owogho avannukhunmwu kegha ke ẹkete nii rre. Ẹre ediọn 24 nii, na ghi ya uhunmwu rhanmwẹ otọ ne Jehova, iran na gha rhie urhomwẹ nẹ. Vbe umian ọvbehe, e Jọn keghi bẹghe oghẹn ne gbii ni ga e Jehova ni ke agbẹnvbo ughughan rre. Jesu nọ re Oteghe Ohuan keghi su iran gha rrie eke ne amẹ ọghe arrọọ ye. Vbe umian ọvbehe ne Jọn vbe miẹn, ọ keghi bẹghe vbene Jesu kevbe ediọn 24 ya suẹn gha kha hẹ zẹvbe Ọba vbe ẹrinmwi. Vbe umian nọ ghi lelẹe, e Jọn keghi bẹghe vbene Jesu ya gu e Setan vbe ikpayẹ ọre khọn hẹ. Jesu keghi khu iran hin ẹrinmwi rre gha die uhunmwu otagbọn. Vbe iyeke ọni, e Jọn keghi bẹghe Oteghe Ohuan kevbe orhunmwu 144,000 mudia ye uhunmwu Oke Zaiọn. Ọ na vbe bẹghe odibosa ọkpa, ne ọ tin khian vbe orere iso. Nene odibosa kegha tama emwa nagbọn, ne iran gha mu ohan Osanobua kevbe ne iran gha rhie uyi gie ẹre. Vbe umian nọ ghi lelẹe, e Jọn keghi bẹghe vbene okuo Amagẹdọn khian gha ye hẹ. Jesu kevbe ivbiyokuo ọghẹe keghi khọnmiotọ yan agbọn ọghe Setan vbe okuo Amagẹdọn. Vbe umian nokiekie ne Jọn miẹn, e Jọn keghi bẹghe vbene akugbe ya rre ẹrinmwi kevbe uhunmwu otagbọn hẹ. Ọ na vbe bẹghe vbene Setan kevbe ikpayẹ ọre ya khian na wabọre rua vbe etẹbitẹ. E Jọn keghi bẹghe vbene emwa hia vbe ẹrinmwi kevbe uhunmwu otagbọn ya kpe eni e Jehova huan hẹ kevbe vbene iran hia ya ga e Jehova hẹ. “I gha ruẹẹ ne uwẹ kevbe okhuo nii gha ya eghian so egbe, eghian egbe ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ ọre ivbi ẹre ke ivbi uwẹ ra gba gha khin; ivbi ẹre gha lọkọ uhunmwu uwẹ, wẹ ghi vbe gha sa iran ighinghianwẹ.”—Gẹnẹsis 3:15 |